Chapter 14
"Hanna we're going to be late! Hurry up!" I shouted. I was beginning to get impatient. I was leaning against the doorway with my suitcase, watching Hanna run around the room stuffing more things into her bag. "He said pack lightly." I muttered. Hanna stopped to give me a look and then then threw one of her bags behind her shoulder. "Alright. Let's go."
We ran outside and called a taxi. Traffic wasn't too bad so we arrived at the airport just in time.
I looked around in search for the airport front desk. "So he said to ask for a Richard Peters?" Hanna asked. I nodded, "There it is." I say, walking towads the front desk.
"How may I help you?" The woman asked. "I was told to ask for a Richard Peterson?"
The woman smiled, "It'll be just a moment." She said. Hanna and I waited until this tall, burly man walked in. "Emily and Hanna?" He asked. We both nodded, "Right this way."
We followed him until we reached a gate. We walked through it, and it lead us outside. There were all these planes everywhere. Smaller ones and large.
"Over here." He said, motioning towards a jet. "A private jet?!" Hanna exclaimed.
"The boys insisted on it." He said. I couldn't believe it. He was spoiling us way too much. A jet? Was he crazy!?
"I'll get your bags." Mr.Peterson said. "Thank you." I replied.
We got inside the jet, and Hanna could barely contain herself. We were seated and brought champagne. It was something I've never experienced, ever. I don't think I've ever sat first class!
The stewardess announced that our plane was now taking flight.
"Are you excited?" Hanna asked. "he's crazy isn't he?"
"Crazy seems to be the word of the day." I chuckled. "Well, here's to Louis and the boys. Best guys in the world." Hanna said, raising her glass. I raised mine with her and we both drank down our glasses.
"Wooh! That's good champagne." She laughed. I set my glass down, leaning my head back.
"What's wrong?" Hanna asked. "Don't you think this is a little too much?" I said, gesturing towards everything.
"I mean, I guess so..but Louis insisted, and he cares about you."
"I know he cares, but this is the kind of stuff you do when you're-"
"In love?" Hanna said. I looked down, picking up my glass of champagne.
"He couldn't be in love with me. Not yet, right?"
Hanna smiled at me. "Well, I think the boy is a little more than smitten."
"He's in love.." I muttered.
"Are you in love?" Hanna asked. I looked at her, straight in her light blue eyes.
I bit my lip. "Yes."
Hanna had this goofy look on her face. "So you're in love!?"
"I'm in love. I love him." I said. Almost unbelieving the words that were coming from my mouth. I didn't think I'd ever be saying this.. but I simply was. I am. I think.
"But what if I'm wrong."
"If he loves you back or not?"
"No...If what I'm feeling is true. and not just something inside me I feel because it's some spontaneous summer romance. How do I know if it's real?"

You Found Me
FanfictionSlowly I began to feel arms around me, and someone placing their hand over my mouth. I began screaming and kicking my legs! fighting against the strong body. "Shh..Please. Dont scream!" He whispered."Let go of me!" I yelled. He loosened his grip on...