17 to hell and back

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She looked up and grinned, “I thought you guys weren’t coming till Friday?”

I frowned, “Well one of my ‘friends’ pushed me through a portal to hell trying to kill me but she didn’t know I can survive down here so I'm just playing dead for now.”

She burrowed her eyebrows, “Who would want to kill you? You would go to heaven and leave my son alone.”

I smiled and Damien rested his chin on my shoulder, “We were talking about that; would she go to heaven because she is a virgin or would she go to hell because she is dating satins son.”

His mom pursed his lips, “I don't know… you’re still a virgin?”

I blushed and nodded, “Why didn’t you think I was?”

She laughed, “Honey I'm not calling you a slut, I just figured you and Damien would have had sex by now.”

We did get closer before his brother interrupted… I shrugged with a smile, “I don't want to rush things.”

She laughed touching my necklace, “You aren’t.” I looked down at the bright glowing gem.

Damien smiled down at it with a big smile, “I love that necklace.” I touched it and smiled, “It’s pretty.”

She gave Damien a secret smile, “That isn’t all that it does.” I looked up confused and Damien was glaring at his mom. She laughed, “Well I am going back to my reading.”

Damien kissed her head and she grinned, “Oh yah darling I went and got you some clothing that is fire proof for your stay down here.”

Damien grinned, “Thanks mom!” I smiled, “Thanks that means a lot.” She nodded, “I put them in his closet and dresser.”

I hugged her grinning and shook Damien, “Take me to your room.”

He chuckled wrapping his arms around me and we flashed into his room. I pulled open a drawer and sighed seeing bra’s my size. I grabbed matching bra and underwear, I pulled his clothes off and my wings unfolded happy to be free.

I noticed she got me thongs and not actual underwear. I huffed and pulled the bra on and turned to your mom, “I can’t believe she got me thongs.”

He was grinning big, “Thank you mom.”

I rolled my eyes walking to his closet and found some shorts that had a whole in them for my tail. I pulled them on and found a low back tank top. I smiled as I found shoes as well and socks.

I pulled fuzzy socks sliding out into his room, “It feels like I moved in with you.” He chuckled, “Good.”

I skipped over to him and I realized he had red eyes. I looked into the mirror on the wall and saw my eyes were red too.

I turned wrapping my arms around Damien, “I wonder why I have wings and a tail… I'm human so why?”

He shrugged kissing me softly, “Probably because you are around me so much my powers rubbed off onto you.”

I smiled, “Cool…” I grinned as my tail moved up looping into his pants and pulled him tighter.

He chuckled, “Found out how to control your tail I see.”

I smirked, “Yep it is like an arm that you can move in any direction… I got a question your mom and I both have tails and wings why don't the guys in your family have anything?”

He reached up touching my wings, “Well the wings are only on the girls and so are the tails, and the males have the powers, so it kind of evens it out.”

to hell and back (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now