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[A/N: bear with me]

The flat was silent except for Sherlock typing on John's computer. John wasn't home. And he took the chance to use his laptop. He had just found out about this thing called "Johnlock".

He desided to research. And, oh dear god, he was not expecting this. Thousands and thousands of pictures of him and John in compromising positions. And then there was this thing called "Wattpad", sounds stupid.

Sherlock eventually typed it on Google and clicked himself into the page. He searched "Johnlock" on Wattpad and gosh..

"What the.." He mumbled.

He scrolled through many stories. About him and John. He noticed some of them were titled 'smut' and some 'fluff'. He typed 'smut' after the 'Johnlock' part. He clicked on one of the books and started reading.

"What is this? Oh.. oh my.."

He was blushing furiously, staring at the screen wide eyed. He didn't know how to react.

"John swallowed his whole length- oh, dear. People find this entertaning?" He said out loud. As the happenings in the book got steamier he felt his trousers tightening. He hadn't noticed he was breathing heavily with his mouth hanging open. How could a mere story cause this kind of a reaction? He thought.

That's when he heard John coming up the stairs. He quickly closed the laptop and stormed into his room.

"Hey, Sherlock, wait was that MY laptop? SHERLOCK!"

Sherlock slammed the door behind him but John had quickly opened it. "What are you doing with my laptop?" he asked.

"I was... uh..."

John grabbed it and opened it. He read the lines of text on the screen while Sherlock stared at him in terror. John had a confused face.

"What is all this, and why were you reading it?" John asked. Sherlock just shook his head. "I don't know." John closed the browser and the laptop. He stormed out to the living room with his laptop.

Sherlock downloaded Wattpad on his phone and continued to read the stories. He sat on his bed after closing and locking the door. He soon became aroused again by the story.

He palmed himself through his trousers and moaned. He laid down on his right side.

"John ground his croch onto... oh, mmm..." he read out loud, voice barely above a whisper, while unbuttoning his trousers and taking them off. He laid on his back, holding his phone with his left hand while rubbing his thighs with the other, circling his crotch while reading the smut.

This could be fun.

[A/N: part 2 coming, don't worry guys.]

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