Chapter 1

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Location: Lucy's House
Time: 9:00 a.m.

The first day of the steamy summer had begun. The golden sun that had raised over the horizon lit up the whole town—Magnolia. The blonde woke up feeling refreshed as she thought about finishing writing her novel the night before. She was so proud of herself for that.

Her name, is Lucy. Lucy Hearfillia.

She's a Celestial Spirit mage that holds the Celestial spirit Gate Keys to summon Celestial spirits. Celestial spirits helps to fight their contractor's opponents, do chores or just to hang out with to build their relationships.

Lucy is also a bookworm; other than her guild, every now and then, she would head to the bookstore down the street and now, even the owner of the bookstore knows what books Lucy reads—mysteries and fan fictions.

Lying on her comfy pink bed, she had a satisfying stretch. She sat up and gazed out the window, putting her right hand on her forehead to block the brilliantly golden sunlight that shone through her pink curtains and that lit up her room.

She stuck her head out the window and took a deep breath of the fresh air. A cool morning breeze rushed in, several strands of her untied hair crisscrossed her face as the curtains moved gracefully while she listened to the whispering of the wind.

She covered her mouth with the back of her hands and yawned, turning to look at the clock that was hung beside her messy desk. It showed '9:00 a.m.'. Her eyes stayed on the clock as her mind went blank, until she realised that she was late.

The birds chirped happily, the morning atmosphere felt like slow motion to Lucy as she thought about sitting on a balcony with her nose stuck in a book while having tea, except that the time wasn't right. She was late. She was suppose to arrive at the guild at 9:05 which meant she only had 3 minutes of preparation including the running.

She quickly slid out of bed and headed for the shower. After a quick shower, she came out of the bathroom wrapped in a white towel and headed to the closet beside her bed to pick an outfit.

She chose to go with a blue top and her favorite short blue skirt. She then tied up her hair into a ponytail with a blue ribbon. She took one last glance at her beautiful self in the mirror before taking her keys and wallet and headed off to her beloved guild, Fairy Tail.

Location: Fairy Tail Guild
Time: 9:10 a.m.

"Isn't Lucy late again?" the fire mage with pink hair named Natsu groaned as he rested his head lazily on the guild bar counter where a female mage with white long hair named Mirajane was, cleaning the glasses as usual.

Mirajane is a S-Class mage, also a famous and gorgeous model that many people admired. Her beauty, her perfect body in bikinis that was seen on magazines all throughout Fiore, she was often seen wearing dresses in reality that stopped perfectly before touching the ground.

Everyday, she would stand at the guild bar to do chores; washing dishes, glass mugs or wine glasses. She does service for all Fairy members like cooking of breakfast, bringing their orders to them in person as most of them sat on booths and waited. All by herself. She enjoys her role, her duty in the guild. It was like home to her.

But her most important duty of all was to help check the request papers pinned on the request board. If any members in the guild would like to go on one, they would have to take the paper and hand it over to her so that she could mark the job as 'occupied' in the guild's handbook. After that, she would also have to inform the person that sent the request to inform them that their request have had been taken.

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