Chapter 2

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Location: Lucy's house
Time: 8:30 a.m.

As usual, Lucy slid out of bed and headed for the shower. Wrapped in a towel, she chose a dark-blue top and a short skirt both similar to what she wore the previous day and basically every single day.

She separated her hair into half and used a red ribbon each for both sides then tied them up. When she's ready, she took one last glance at herself in the mirror and smiled, she grabbed her keys and wallet and headed off to Fairy Tail!

Location: Fairy Tail Guild
Time: 9:15 a.m.

When she arrived at the guild's entrance, she scanned the inside from left to right as she placed her arms on her hips, then thought, "Everything as usual!", except that Happy, Erza, Wendy and Carla had already left for the guild, Lamia Scale. And the guild was quieter than usual, but except for that, everything was the same.

She then walked into the guild and towards the guild bar and dragged a chair away from the table so there was space for her to be seated.

When Mirajane heard the familiar scraping sound of the wooden chair against the rough wooden floor, she turned and looked over her shoulder while using an old red cloth to clean a few glass cups that had been washed earlier. "Oh, good morning Lucy!" Mirajane greeted as she sat down.

Lucy smiled and greeted back. Upon their similar interest of being a model, they started to chat about Mirajane's new upcoming magazines.

Now, on the other side, Lucy could hear Natsu's voice, "What about this job?".

There was a pause. "As long as you're with me, anything is fine." Lisanna replied.

Lucy turned her head slightly to where Natsu and Lisanna was standing and took a peek at the side of her eyes.

She wasn't surprised, but every time when she sees Natsu and Lisanna together, all she could do was stare. It was somehow heart breaking. That's when she heard her name echoed in her mind but there she was, lost in her own world of slight jealousy. "Lucy-san!" a familiar voice called beside her once again.

Lucy snapped out of her thoughts. "Are you alright Lucy-san?" the voice asked. Lucy immediately put her mind together and turned herself to face a young female mage named Wendy Marvell. Wendy had brown eyes and long blue hair that was tied like Lucy's, two pony tails with logs hanging from the sides. "Of course! What made you ask that?" Lucy said, an awkward smile evident on her face as she frozed and waited for Wendy's response nervously—afraid that she herself had acted too suspicious.

Then there goes Wendy's white exceed named Carla. She was dressed in a plain pink dress that stopped until her knees with a white ribbon tied at her collar that perfectly suit her pure white fur and another pink ribbon tied at the end of her tail. "Obviously there's something wrong with you. Spill it." she demanded folding her arms.

By then, Lucy's face was already as white as a sheet before Carla continued.

"You like Natsu don't you?" she blunted. This time, instead of hesitating or denying it, she nodded her head hesitantly. Lucy that was always afraid someone would find out about her secret crush admitted that she liked someone. How surprising. Normally she would deny and would do everything she could just to tell one she didn't liked Natsu or anyone else that people had randomly assumed.

I guessed it can't be helped, it was way too obvious that she liked him, Natsu.

Lucy averted her eyes to else where to avoid the blush that was going to appear anytime now on her cheeks as she bit down on her bottom lips.

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