Chapter 3 (part 1)

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Location: Fairy Tail Guild
Time: 9:30 a.m.

Clenching both her fist and swinging both her arms in opposite directions, Lucy stormed into the guild, "I can't believe that guy!" she thought as an accusatory frown creased her forehead. And she soon noticed that almost half of the guild members was staring at her with one of their weird stares.

Just then a voice called out. "Lu-Chan!". Immediately Lucy knew who it was, her best friend, Levy. Lucy got her attention forward and saw Levy walking towards her direction. Levy had short blue hair at shoulder-length which had a wavy and wild look to it with logs hanging down the side of her face. She also wore a simple yellow headband around her forehead, with a small decorative pink flower on the right side.

Levy and Lucy became friends through their mutual love of books. In other words, books was the seed of their friendship. Levy was the only person in the guild that Lucy would talk to about her personal feelings, her secrets and most importantly, she trust Levy so much that she could let her read the novels that she wrote unlike towards others; she would most likely glare at the people that had laid their innocent eyes on her novels. That happened once when Levy had begged her to bring her novel to the guild so that she could read.

Levy walked Lucy to the guild bar while hugging her tightly from the side. "Oh, good morning Lucy, Levy!" Mirajane greeted with a gentle smile as they approached, placing two cups of Strawberry Ice Lemon in front of them. It was one of Lucy's favorite drinks, well, as long as it had the smell and favor of strawberries.

Both of them thanked Mirajane with as they returned a smile, and took a seat beside one another. Just when Lucy was enjoying the pre-made Strawberry Ice Lemon prepared by Mira, the guild started to make noise. "It must be Natsu and Gray's childish actions, again." Lucy thought as she continued to enjoy her drink while Levy's back faced her, talking to the Iron Dragon Slayer, Gajeel, that stood at the other side with his forearm rested on the counter leaving his hand dangling at the edge of the counter.

The noise in the guild got louder and louder. Lucy covered her ears with her palms as she closed her eyes and faced down to her drink. Her brows formed a knot as a familiar voice shrieked her. "Lucy!"

She almost spit her drink out of her mouth just after she took a sip. She turned, following her gaze as she looked over her shoulder. Her eyes widened, shocked to see who had appeared before her in the distance at the guild entrance.

She slid down her seat cautiously, keeping in mind that the guild was now watching her every move after the noise had became silence.

For several seconds while Lucy started walking to the guild exit where the noises came from, the silence continued. And as she made her way there, movement smooth and steady like the ground beneath her, the silence had made her uncomfortable. And only became awkward when she finally stopped her footsteps, in front of Sting that looked like he just had chaos—his hair was like a messy nest.

"Lucy," Mirajane and Lisanna's brother, Elfman, said in a frustrated tone as he stood beside Lucy. "he picked a fight."

"Did not!" Sting protested quickly, switching his gaze from Lucy to Elfman's eyes that was a few centimeters higher than his.

Elfman shot Lucy a look, telling her to settle things quickly before he loses his temper which was often of him when he faces members of other guilds', especially Sabertooth.

"He came to see you, but we refused to let him come in since, he was our opponent in the Grand Magic Games, who knows what he would do." Macao that stood calmly beside Lucy on the other side said, murmuring the last part as he looked away. "But of course, he can come in if you want him to, since he was the one that wanted to see you." he added before backing off and walking away to a boost.

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