Chapter 29: It's Not Okay

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Famous K-Pop rookie Na Reina will not be on the scene for a while.

It has came to our attention that her brother is not doing his best physically and she needs some time away from the spotlight.

"We can't give out any major information, upon request, but as of now, she's not going to be in any interviews, Lives, Shows or even take part in schedules for a while." CEO and boss, Park Jinyoung said as he released the statement earlier today.

What do you think actually happened?

(as I mentioned before, Na Reina is Reina's Korean Name)

Felix slammed his laptop shut, the fifth article today, and they're all saying the same thing. As if they don't believe whatever is going on.

Their fans however, were extremely supportive of JYP's decision and are sending cheer up cards and messages, showing all the concern in the world for Destiny's youngest.

He could remember it like it was yesterday- which in it was. Her loud, glass breaking scream piercing through his ears.

He grasped unto her tight, not even caring for his ear drums as her screams became more clear. She still lost all strength in her legs anyway.

Now he realized why they all said that they'd never want to see her cry again.

In his state, he panicked. He knew trying to sooth her with encouraging words would be useless. And he didn't even believe that it would work, even on himself.

Her sclera, bloodshot red, those little veins taking over in color and shape. Her emerald eyes, a darker shade. Her eyes swollen and puffy. Her nose red. Her face numb. She was shaking endlessly.

The others rushed outside. His group mates on the verge of crying as well once he covered her ears and told them.

Soojin came with a chair, and gave it to Felix to sit.

First, Felix started singing, he didn't know why, but Glow came to his head first, and everyone sang along with him, causing her to calm down after their third attempt of doing so.

She was still shaken, but her screams and cries stopped. She was laying down on her crush's lap. Oh how happy she would've been if she wasn't so sad.

When they thought she was okay, she started gasping for breath. Sweating and shaking more and more. Luckily there was a trash can beside them.

She vomited contents no one even knew she had.

This was the worst she has been, no doubt.

If you thought she couldn't stomach food all week, it was worse now.

She stayed awake, looking at the photos of her older brother on her phone and singing the song they made to comfort each other after the death of mamá, but it wasn't the same.

His deafening voice wasn't there to overpower her Nightingale like one.

🎶for you, I'll not worry🎶
🎶for you'd rather not see me cry🎶
🎶I'll still love you after your last breath🎶
🎶after your last goodbye🎶
🎶te amo🎶

(a/n: if these are actual song lyrics then that is literally a coincidence lmao)

He wanted to see her, to comfort her and be with her, but she didn't want to see, talk, or be with anyone right now.

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