Chapter 3*

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Alusia's POV

I watch as Leon gets onto a boat to get across the lake. I growl quietly to myself. 'Damn it! I can't help him while he's on the water. Hope your fast enough to escape El Lago.' I shake my head before running through the woods around the lake.

My eyes keep going from what's ahead of me to where Leon is fighting El Lago. I find my heart stopping everytime he gets thrown into the water.

I yelp when my back leg gets caught in a bear trap. I barely miss another as I fall to the ground. I growl before shifting to human. I stand and quickly look to see how Leon's doing. My eyes widen seeing El Lago heading straight towards him, jaws open wide. I can't stop myself from yelling out in fear.


I watch as El Lago goes down, for good. I hear Leon yell out before seeing him go down, that's when I notice the rope attached. 'That monster was dragging him the entire time...' I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding when I see him get back up, restarting the motor and heading to shore. "He's okay. He's okay..."

I'm reminded of where I am when pain shoots up my leg. I growl in annoyance before prying the trap open. I let it snap shut once my leg is clear. I wince slightly when I put some weight on that leg. I don't bother shifting before I take off running.

I get closer in time to see Leon stumble towards the cabin, hearing him cry out in pain. My eyes widen, knowing something is wrong. I run faster, ignoring the sharp pain in my leg. I run straight into the cabin just as he hits the floor.

"Leon!" I drop on my knees by his side, quickly rolling him over onto his back, hands holding his cheeks. Our eyes meet for a second just before his roll back and close. I put a hand behind his head, keeping it off the floor. "Oh Leon..."

My eyes quickly scan over his body, for any injuries. I take note of the few cuts and scratches on his arms. I grab his hand seeing blood in the palm of it. I tilt my head slightly seeing no injury to cause this blood. I look back up at his face, seeing the hints of blood on his lips.

"He coughed it up..."

I gently lay his head down before standing up. I wince as my leg aches but I push it aside. I head to the door, quickly scanning the outside for threats. The scent of rain hits my nose and I shut the door.

I look at Leon's unconscious form before looking around the cabin. I grimace at the sight of the bed. "Like hell I'm laying him on that. Well, looks like he has to stay on the floor. I'll at least make it more comfortable for him."

I kneel down beside him and take off my scarf, folding it up. I lift Leon's head and place it underneath to act as a pillow. I pull out my medical supplies to clean and treat the small injuries he has. Once I'm done, I go through his supplies, adding and combining whatever needs so. I take off my coat, laying it over him as a blanket.

I brush his bangs out of his eyes, smiling slightly at how soft his hair really is. I start humming my childhood lullaby, to calm my nerves and hopefully help him as he rests.


I walk back to the cabin through the darkness and rain. 'I hope Luis is alright... I couldn't find him so hopefully he's alright.' I shift back to human when I get right outside of the cabin. I open the door and quickly shut it silently behind me.

I look up to see Leon standing and looking at me. I smile softly seeing him awake. "You're awake. How are you feeling?"

"I'm alright. I'm guessing you're the one that helped me." He gestures to my work.

I nod and walk over. "Yeah. I am."

He nods, a small smile on his lips. "Thanks. Were you the one that left the note on the bed?"

I tilt my head, confused. "Note?" I take the sheet of paper from his hand when he pulls it out of a pocket. I quickly read it. "No. It wasn't me." I hand it back to him before quickly moving around the cabin.

I quietly sniff the air to find a scent. The only scent I can pick up is Leon's and my own. 'Damn it... Who was in here?'

"I kinda guessed it wasn't you. I figured that you might come back since you left your coat and scarf." He says, holding my coat and scarf out to me.

I walk over, taking them and keeping my gaze on the ground. "Thank you."

He gently grabs my shoulder, causing me to look up. His eyes searching my face for something. "Where are you hurt?"

I keep my eyes on him as my mind goes to my left leg that has finally eased up on the pain. "I'm fine."

His expression shows he doesn't believe me. "There's blood beside where I was laying. None of it is mine. So where are you hurt miss?"

I shake my head. "I'm fine. It's nothing to worry about." I reluctantly pull away from him, not wishing to worry him.

"You're not doing a perfect job of hiding your limp. That and the torn leather of your left boot and not to mention the blood. I think it's something to worry about." He grabs me again but this time it's my hand.

I shiver slightly as light electricity goes from my fingertips to his. I know he feels it when he quickly looks up at me. 'If I didn't know it before I know now...'

He must have decided to ignore it as he doesn't mention anything. He pulls out a chair and makes me sit down. He looks into my eyes, still holding my cold hand in his warm one. "You helped me. I'm gonna help you. You're not getting out if it." He grabs the bandages and first aid spray.

I sigh before unlacing my knee high boot. I slowly pull it off and I let him roll my pant leg up when he kneels down in front of me. I can tell he's being as gently as he can.

"Damn. I'm guessing you got caught in a trap? This is gonna sting a little." He takes my silence as my answer, looking up at me. "Why didn't you take care of this?"

I look away, wincing for a second as the spray makes contact with the wound. "I forgot about it." I watch as he gently wraps it, treating my leg like fragile glass.

"I don't see how. Anyway, I take it you aren't from here? You don't sound or look like it." He looks up at me, gently rolling the pant leg down.

I shake my head. "I'm from Cincinnati." I watch as he beats me to getting my boot on and tying it. I stand up and put a little weight on it. I put my coat and scarf back on, pulling my hood up. "Thanks. I have to go. I know you have important things to do. So be careful Leon."

I walk to the door, opening it a little only for him to grab my hand again. He turns me to face him, our eyes locking together.

"How do you know my name?" He questions me.

Before I can come up with a lie, his radio starts to get a call. He pulls away to answer it. I quickly slip my hand from his and disappear out the door.

I hear him call out to me but I'm already out of sight. I shift and watch from the shadows, being careful to keep my eyes from being seen. I watch him look around for me before shaking his head and returning inside the cabin to answer the call. I hear the door shut behind him.

'Now is not the time Leon. But you will know soon. Please be careful.'

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