Chapter 10

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                  Alusia's POV

     I close my eyes after answering Leon's question. The memories of Luis flowing through my mind. He had become more family to me in the past several months of knowing him, than my family has ever been. He was the loving brother I always wished I had.

     I'm yanked from the thoughts as the boat sharply turns. I glare at Ada as she stops the boat cliffside. I watch as she pulls out a grappling hook and fires it. She smiles at Leon. "Got some business to take care of. See you later."

     I move to the front fast. I smirk inwardly when I hear her hiss in pain and get the slight scent of blood, knowing my nails got her leg as she zooms off. I quickly get control of the boat and drive us to safe ground.

     Leon gets out first and offers his hand. I take it this time and he helps me off the boat.

     I watch as Leon gets a call on his radio. He glares at the person on the other end. "Hate to break it out to you but Salazar's dead."

     Rage boils inside me when I hear Saddler's rotten voice. "Yes it seems that way."

     "Saddler, why don't you give up and let Ashley go home?"

     "Perhaps you are disillusioned with overconfidence just because you killed my small-time subordinate."

     "Saddler, you're small-time."

     Saddler laughs. "Writhe in my cage of torment, my friend."

     I glare at the ground, fist clenched tight and shaking with rage. My palms would be bleeding if it weren't for my gloves. My head jerks up when Leon grabs my hands.

     He looks me in the eye, speaking softly. "We'll make him pay for what he did to Luis. I promise."

     I nod, letting out a deep breath. "Let's go."


     We make it into a surveillance room. We see Ashley in one of the cameras, banging on the door and calling for Leon to help her. "Help me Leon!"


     "There are two guards in the room with her." I speak, watching as one shoves Ashley to the ground. The other seems to flip switches and all the screens go black.

     "Heh. Amateurs. Just hang in there Ashley. We're coming for ya."

     I follow Leon as we leave the room. We come across a small group wanting to play peek-a-boo the dynamite edition with us. We take them out quickly before moving on.


     After dealing with more people and a few monsters, we finally get Ashley. I cover my nose with my scarf before we even get to the door leading to the garbage chute. I grimace as my nose picks up the scent of trash, blood and more. I follow behind Leon and Ashley. We walk over to the edge.

     "Looks like this is it." Leon says, looking into the darkness.

     Ashley covers her nose. "Ugh. It stinks!"

     I can't stop the eye roll. 'I smell the stench alot more than you can sweetheart.'

     "Sure does."

     I notice Ashley look at Leon. "No way, Leon."

     I roll my eyes and just jump before them, straight into the darkness.

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