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Once again, Jimin was let out of the hospital, and Yoongi hot on his tail watching him. Jimin would not be left alone. Yoongi even went as far as sleeping in the same bed as him. Joonie would too, but he will only do it if he is in little space.

I don't blame him, who consciously wants to sleep in a small bed with two other adult men?

Taehyung. Taehyung would. He calls it a 'sleepover'.

But that's beyond the point. Jimin's injured, so how do they end up all fitting in the bed? Oh, when it comes to Yoongi, there is always a way.

Joonie sleeps on the side by the wall, Yoongi in the middle, and Jimin on the side by the edge.

Well, he is basically half on the bed, half on top of Yoongi. Yoongi is in the middle for a reason. He has his baby boy cuddled into his right side, Jimin huddled on his left, and they both each get an arm to ease in more comfort.

With the way Jimin get's treated around here now, you would assume he is a little. Except there is less diapers and baby clothes, and overall baby stuff for him. That's all for the Joonbug of the house.

It's not like Yoongi is the only one that takes care of the injured 3rd Maknae, we all play our parts.

Jin- Cooks, but cooks Jimin's food specially and how he wants it to be. He also makes sure the three musketeers are comfortable in bed before leaving them to rest.

Yoongi- Follows Jimin around while still watching Joonie.

Joonie- Makes Jimin feel loved and special by making him little crafts like red paper cards and drawings of what seemed to be a potato with yellow-ish pink string on top, but Joonie says it's a portrait of Jimin, so that's what we go with.

Namjoon- Out of little space, Namjoon makes sure that Jimin takes his medication and keeps track of when appointments should be scheduled. (Only appears every three days)

Me- As for me, I get the pleasure of basically being a servant.

"Hoseok can you go get 'sksnnvskd' for Jimin, he wants it."

"Seokie Jimin wants some 'blableblu'."

What do you want me to do, say no to the injured?

Taehyung- Doesn't really have to do anything, just makes sure that Jimin has all of his things set for the day, basically helps him get ready in the morning and that is it.

Jungkook - Opposite Taehyung.

So as you can see, taking care of the crippled is only a tiny bit easier when you have five other guys helping you out.



It was only three in the afternoon, and everyone- Taehyung, Jungkook, and Hoseok- had plans to go out to see a movie. Joonie, of course not wanting to feel left out, really wanted to go.

Yoongi hesitated, being his caregiver and all. But Jimin told him that Joonie should get a reward for being a good boy and helping at this time of need. So Yoongi let him go, but swore to Hoseok that if Joonie repeated anything inappropriate or got nightmare's later on, he would beat the sunshine out of him.

Now there they were, standing in the theater trying to decide on a movie.

"Oh oh!" Joonie excitedly cheered, catching the attention of some staff and random people, but they just shrugged him off.

"What is it Joonbug?" Hoseok asked, putting his arm around Joonie's shoulder.

"I want to see that!" The little pointed at a sign with a giant-furry mountain animal holding up a human in it's two blue and white hands.

The two Maknae's sighed and huffed while crossing their arms.

"Small Foot?" Hoseok asked.

Joonie nodded excitedly and silently clapped. Hoseok looked to the younger's for approval. "I guess," Taehyung sighed again. "Yeah, if our baby boy will be happy, then why not." Jungkook said while plopping his arms back at his side.

After all, how bad could things turn out after seeing the movie?


I'm sorry if this seems like a filler, it technically is, but I'm trying to switch the topic back to Joonie, because this book is obviously a Little Joonie fanfiction. Yoonmin is just a side topic that we can visit at times, just keep remembering that.

I'm also sorry for not being able to full-fill the schedule I've posted on my conversations page, I'm trying my best.

What do you think the consequence will be for watching 'Small Foot'? It shouldn't be that big, after all, it is a kids movie. ;)


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