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I've been doing a lot better since my incident.  I ended up having a very serious asthma attack.  I don't even know how it happened, since I don't have asthma.

Namjoon has been trying to stay out of littlespace so he can help me heal.

We can all sense how hard it is for him to stay out of that piece of mind.  But every time we try to get him to slip, he says he wants to stay big just in case something happened to me again.

My spine is the main thing that's been hurting, and I need someone to help me walk.  Luckily, Yoongi volunteered to be that someone.  And since Yoongi is Namjoon's Daddy, I get the pleasure of also being with him when he slips every once and a while.

Right now however, it was midnight, and I was hungry as heck.  Now of course I struggle to walk on my own, so Namjoon's help or Yoongi's help would be much appreciated right now.  However they are both sleeping, so I don't want to disturb them.

I gathered up all of my strength and began to walk out of my bed.  I used different pieces of furniture as support and made my way out of my room.  The only problem is, there is no furniture in the hallway.

My hands held onto the door frame as tight as they could.

I spotted the stairs and dove towards the railing.  My hands reached out for some type of support, but they never found it.  My body hurled down the stairs, making all kinds of noise, the front side of me hitting the ground with a loud bang.



"Why is the fridge so god damn empty!?" I asked myself as I scanned the food-filled shelves.  It's not like it was actually empty, there's just nothing in there that seems good for a bed time snack.

I shut the door and went into a cupboard for a cup.

At least I can drink some water.

I turned the sink on and watched it fill with water.  My dry throat was soothed down as I swallowed the cold substance.  Just as I was halfway done, a loud bang startled me, and I spilled it all over myself.

I shrieked as the cold water splashed onto my shirt, soaking through and making my skin wet.

Yes, I was angry.  I stormed into the living room, prepared to yell at who ever caused the noise.

But to my surprise, Jimin laid on the ground...

In front of the stairs.

"Oh my gosh, Jimin-ssi!" I knelt down and flipped his body over so his back was on the ground.

"Jimin?" I looked at his unconscious state.  I began to lightly slap his face, in hopes for a response.

"Jimin!" I spoke in a worried tone.

My body began to shake in fear.  "J-Jimin," I broke into sobs.

I placed my ear against his chest, his heart beat was really slow.

Despite the tears rolling down my face, and soaking wet clothes, I picked him up.  His head lay on my shoulders and his legs were loosely wrapped around my waist.

I ran out towards one of the three cars we have and put Jimin on the passenger side.  I got in the the driver seat and sped down the road, not bothering to get the others, or my phone.



"Namjoon-hyung!  Wake up!" A loud voice called out to me.

"Five more minutes," I groaned back and buried my head under my pillow.  No shock, it was swiped away, along with my blanket.

"No way hyung!  Jimin and Jungkook are missing!" To that, I sprung up and was face to face with none other than Taehyung.

"What do you mean they are missing?" I questioned as I ran passed him into the hallway.

"Like they can't be found in the house." He answered as we ran down the stairs.  I looked around and found no living presence in the living room.

"Where is everyone?" I faced Taehyung.  He pointed into the kitchen.

When we entered, Yoongi had his face in his hands on the table, Hoseok was rubbing his back- although he was on the verge of tears himself-, and Seokjin was pacing around while holding onto his cell phone.

"What happened?" I held onto Jin's shoulders, making him stop in his tracks.

"We don't know, they've been gone for a long time," He motioned to the clock mounted on the wall, 1:07 p.m.

"Jungkook left his phone, Jimin left his, and one of the cars are gone." Jin said, putting his hands in his hair.

I let go of him and looked over at Taehyung again.  He was looking at his feet and his face just shouted 'sad'.

But my gaze faltered over to Yoongi and Hoseok, when I heard a sob come from the older.  Hoseok had him wrapped in a hug.  Seeing him crying made me slip almost immediately.

I slowly made my way over to them, and hugged Yoongi as well.  "D-don't cry Daddy." My mouth said, however, my brain was saying 'Jimin is missing, keep crying'.



Jimin woke up from surgery with a broken leg, his back aching even more than before, and a knee-bouncing Jungkook sitting on a chair beside his hospital bed.  "Jungkook?" He asked.  The other looked up and smiled at his now awoken friend.

"Hey," Jungkook stood up after a moment and walked over to the rolling table on the other side of the bed, "Oh, uh, you probably want these right?"

He held out a cup of water and two pain pills.  Jimin slowly sat up, hissing lightly at the pain in his back, making Jungkook cringe.  He took the cup and pills from Jungkook once he was in a comfortable position.

Downing the pills, Jimin began to wonder what caused him to be here.  He sat the cup down and looked back at Jungkook, who was once again sitting in the chair.

"Jungkook?  What happened?" He asked.

Jungkook's face went straight, "You don't remember?"

Jimin shook his head while returning the same look back.

"You fell down the stairs and went unresponsive, then I carried you to the car and brought you to the hospital." Jungkook answered.

"Where is everyone else?" Jimin looked around, noticing it was just the two of them in the room.

"I didn't want to wake them up and have them immediately worried, plus I was scared to death because you were hurt.  So I just brought you here." He started to pat his jeans down, "And I think also I left my phone and home."

Jimin laughed at his dongsaeng.  "But, do you want me to get the others?" Jungkook asked.

Jimin thought for a moment, and all he really wanted was to see Namjoon and Yoongi, "Yes, please."

Jungkook nodded and grabbed his from the side table.


This is shit and I'm so sorry for that.

I have ideas for the next two chapters, but after that, you guys can give me suggestions!!!

Thanks for reading!


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