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Yoongi's POV

Yesterday, Jin told us that he thought we all needed a break.  So we packed up and now we are heading to a popular Amusement Park/Water Park.  (A/N: I have only been to one of these kind of things so I'm just going use the stuff that was there.)

As the bus pulled up to an empty lot we all looked at each other very confused.

"Um, not trying to be rude or anything.  But where's the amusement park?" Hoseok was hooked onto his window.

The whole time we drove, he looked out the window because he wants to be the first one to see the park.  He was like that for every trip we took, so it's less of a shock.

"Not here.  Since you seem to be the observer, how come you didn't notice the rest stop sign we passed as we came in here, hm?" Jin asked him, raising his eyebrows.

"Maybe it's because I'm too busy fantasizing over what I want to do first at the theme park.  Ever thought of that?" Hoseok asked him.

I swear they bickered for such a long time, it felt like forever before we were finally clear to come off the bus.

"Masks on everyone?" I asked all around.

Joonie gave me a thumbs up, "All clear cap'ain!"

I chuckled and motioned him towards me so I could hold his hand.  We don't want our little leader getting lost in a far away place.

We all got off the bus with Taehyung getting off last.  Since he was sleeping the whole ride, he woke up to Jin and Hoseoks argument over our setting arrangements.

He cracked his back and groaned, making this big bear like sound.

Joon giggled at him, "Wow TaeTae!  You sound like a big beast!"

Everyone busted out laughing at his statement, except for the beast himself.

"Thanks buddy." Taehyung yawned.

"So, where's the rest stop?" Jungkook asked.

Now that he's said something, where is the rest stop?

"That's a good question." Jimin said as he sat down on one of the buses steps.

I watched him carefully to make sure he didn't hurt his leg.

I don't understand why Jin picked an amusement park when all of us won't be able to enjoy the fun together.  If we are thinking in terms of little Namjoon, then I'm all for watching my baby have fun.  He deserves this since he's been so upset lately, setups in America have been really messing with him.

I just don't understand why Jin couldn't have at least thought about Jimin before making this decision.

"Look!" Namjoon yelled while pointing to a trail.

He let go of my hand and ran off in the direction of it.

"Joonbug, stop!" Jungkook chased after him.

They disappeared into the woods.

Jin sighed, "I guess we are following them," and walked in the general direction they ran off in.

"Okay Jimin, let's go find our son." I said.  I helped him stand up and let him use me as a support beam as we walked.

On the way to wherever we were going, Jungkook was walking back to the bus.

"Woah, where's Namjoon?" I asked him.

He put a hand on his neck, "He left after using the bathroom, I thought he would've made it back by now."

"That's impossible," Jimin said, "We would've seen him pass by us."

"And most likely would've made him come with us instead of go back to the bus." I added.

Jungkook sighed, "I can look for him, but he's probably inside the building looking at attraction flyers or something." He pointed behind him.

"Yeah, you better hope." I said.

We all walked away in our wanted directions, and pretty soon we arrived at a building.

"Okay do you want to go into the handicap bathroom?" I asked.

"Yeah, but can you.... help me?" He asked me, face turning red from the question.  My face was probably also flushed in the colour.

"W-with what?" I asked, trying to look anywhere else but is face.

"Getting to the sink, they only supply beams next to the toilet, but not going to the sink or at it." He explained.

I think he knows he embarrassed me.

"Oh, okay."

I walked him into the building and towards the handicap bathroom.  I had to make sure there were no staff watching us so we didn't look bad.

Luckily, the only two workers that were here were talking, so I quickly slipped us through the door before we were spotted.

"Ok, so um... I'm just going to, turn around." I said.

Jimin giggled, "You do that."

I tried to distract myself so I didn't hear Jimin using the bathroom, because that's weird and awkward.

"Yoongi?" Jimin called out.


"You can turn around now," He chuckled.

I turned around and he held his arm out to me.  I linked my arm with his, put a hand behind his back, and walked him to the sink.

Jimin washed his hands and turned to look at me.  He had a cheeky smile showing through his mask.

Now I know he's up to no good.

"What's gotten into you?" I asked him.

"Nothing," he got closer to my ear, "Yet."

"Jimin!" I lightly hit him.

He started to giggle.  "What?" He asked innocently while tilting his head.

"Don't say things like that."

"Why?  Joonie isn't here-"

His remark was cut short because he slipped on a puddle while trying to come closer to me.

He's lucky I was willing to catch him after what he's been saying.

I chuckled at Jimin's shocked red face, "Now it's your turn to blush!"

His mouth formed a straight line as he pushed up against me while trying to regain his posture, messing his hair up in the process.

"You look funny now," I told him while pointing to his hair.

"Well then it's only fair if I do this then!" He began to mess up my hair while laughing.

Who knew you could have so much fun being dumb in the bathroom?

"We should probably leave before they get-" I was interrupted by a knock on the door.

Jimin motioned for us to leave.

I swung open the door, Jimin right by my side, "Sorry for taking so long-"

"Daddy, why are you in the bathroom with Dada?"

Oh...... duck.

"Yes," A stern voice said from behind him, "Why are you in the bathroom with Dada, Daddy?"

"H-he needed help." I said, watching my hyung cross his arms and raise his eyebrows.

"No, not like that!" I exclaimed, figuring out how everything could seem so wrong in someone else's eyes.

"Uh huh, let's go to the bus Prince," Jin grabbed onto Namjoon's hand and began walking away, "By the way you guys should really fix your hair."

I gulped and looked at Jimin.

How are we possibly going to get out of this one?


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