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*Lot's of Yoonmin!!!


As Jungkook pulled into the driveway, three of the other Bangtan members came out to greet him, or scold him.

"What the heck Jungkook?" Hoseok asked.

"I'm sor-"

"Do you know how worried we were?" Taehyung asked with wide eyes.


"I woke up this morning and you and Jimin were gone!" Jin exclaimed.

"Okay I can-"

"Hey where is Jimin?" Hoseok asked, noticing a passenger missing from the car.

"Just let me fucking talk already!" Jungkook slammed his hands on the steering wheel, making the horn beep. The three interrogators jumped back in surprise.

The stressed out maknae turned his head over to the half of his hyungs and finally was able to explain.

"Last night, I was up late looking at things for Joonie, when I started feeling thirsty. So I went into the kitchen to get a glass of water. When I was in the middle of finishing my glass, I heard a loud crash and my water spilled all over me-"

"You left because your shirt got wet!" Jin blurted out.

Everyone looked at him with a 'shut up' look. He covered his mouth and a muffled, "Sorry" was heard.

"Anyway, when I went to go check what happened, I saw Jimin at the bottom of the stairs. He was unresponsive so I drove him to the hospital. We found out that he fell down the stairs, but he doesn't remember that happening."

"W-what?" The four heard from an open window. Their heads turned and saw Yoongi in the window, his face showing a mix of sadness and guilt.

"I was supposed to take care of him." Yoongi said.

"Hyung, it was the middle of the night, you couldn't have known." Taehyung said.

"Yeah, on the bright side, he's awake and want's to see you guys. That's the whole reason why I came back." Jungkook added.

"You wouldn't have came back just to check in?" Jin asked while crossing his arms.

Jungkook shook is head no in pure certainty. "Jimin is my number one priority at the moment, I'm only doing this because it will make him happy."

"Everyone just shut up," Yoongi's voice demanded from the passenger's seat. The bickering four turned to the man, just now buckling up, "You three," He pointed at Hoseok, Jin, and Taehyung, "Get in the fucking car."

Namjoon plugged his ears.

"No!" He yelled.

His caregivers ignored his little "PG" act and followed the orders of the very intimidating Yoongi, who was currently making Jungkook sweat from death threats he was receiving for not pulling out of the driveway faster.

They were finally on the road, and Yoongi congratulated himself and his confidence.

"That's what I thought, now if anyone else wants to bug me-" His speech was cut short by a hand roughly attaching to his shoulder.

A shiver producing voice whispered in his ear, "I'm still older than you, if I want to bug you, it's my job to do so."

The hand then flicked Yoongi's shoulder away. Leaving the blonde male to rub his poor pained shoulder.

"Can we please stop this nonsense guys!?" Jungkook asked, clearly frustrated. Everything that his hyung's did distracted him from the road, and he doesn't want to have the whole band in the hospital.

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