Part 7

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When we arrived home Leo's mum dropped me home

When we pulled up out side my house I gave Leo a quick hug

Thank you for a amazing day Leo we have to do it again some day and thank you for my minion

I said climbing out the car

Thank you so much for taking us mrs devries

It's no problem sweetheart anytime

When I walked into my house yet again no one was home I live with my mum my dad and little sister who is 8 but no one is ever home

My mum and dad were at a work party tonight and were staying in a hotel over night and I'm not trusted with Ellie (my sister) so she was at my aunts for the night

On the side there was a note it was from my mum and dad

Lucy me and your dad have gone to the party tonight as we talked about, Ellie is at aunt carols for the night but I need you to watch her for me tomorrow aunt carol will drop her home at around 12:30 and me and your dad should be home at 8pm I left some money for you so you can order some food or go down the shop feel free to have charlie over or Megan and Lucy to keep you company if you need anything just call aunt carol on her home phone as you know she isn't very far away

See you soon

Lots of love mum Xx

On the fridge was £20 with a note money for food mum x

It was only 5pm and I wasn't very hungry at the moment so I decided to go next door to see if charlie would talk to me

I put on my shoes and headed over there

I knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer

After a few minutes the door opened charlie opened the door but his eyes were red and bloodshot from crying he had his onesie on and he just didn't look like his normal self

The first thing I did was wrap my arms around him he did the same but I could here him crying

What's wrong I said squeezing

M.... My nan she's in hospital my whole family have gone and I'm on my own and I'm worried he said more tears falling from his eyes

We decided to go over to my house and talk

We sat on my sofa charlie still in tears

It will be ok I reassured him

But what if she isn't he cried

At that moment I got a text

From Charlie's mum

Zoe I know you and charlie arnt talking but please look after him for me I've tried texting him but he isn't replying his nan is ok she's being let out tomorrow but we are staying down here with her until Friday (it's Monday now ) to make sure she is ok

To Charlie's mum

He's with me now he is in tears he is so worried he is over at mine and I think we are going to get some food in a bit I'll tell him she is ok and tell him to cheak his phone Xx

Who was that charlie asked

It was your mum she tried texting you but you didn't reply she said your nan is fine and she is being let out in the morning but they are staying with her u till Friday to make sure she is ok

Thank you he said hugging me

For what

Coming over to me helping me even though I just run out on you

It's fine and ignore what I said earlier



Because I feel the same he said looking down

What I said

I love you Zoe he said looking at me

I love you to charlie I said pulling him into a hug and gently placing my lips onto his

The rest of the evening was spent watching films,eating pizza and just acting like best friends because that will never change

I think i love you (charlie lenehan / bars and melody fan fiction )Where stories live. Discover now