Part 19

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Charlie's pov

I could hear voices but I couldn't respond I couldn't open my eyes what was happening why could I hear but not respond I could hear brook and my mum and dan

Mum I managed to say

Charlie I heard her say

Charlie can you hear me she said louder open your eyes sweet heart

I used all the strength I had and opened my eyes I was in a plain white room with a bright light

Charlie I heard my mum say

Mum I smiled where am I what happened

Charlie your in hospital dan found you you had blacked out do you remember what happened

Liam Scott Ben is all I said

What did they do dan asked as he stepped towards me

They were calling me mr bgt and telling me I loved my self then I said at least people like me and that's all I remember

Charlie I came as soon as I heard Leo said walking into the room

Where's zoe I asked

She had only just arrived in London and couldn't come I'm sorry my mum told me

No no it's fine I said

Ring her Leo said passing me his phone

Thank you I said taking it it was now just me and Leo in the room dan had to got to football training and mum went to get coffee

Were doing a week of signings again next week did you know Leo asked

No I hadn't been told where are we going






Wait is London last I asked him

Yes and we planed it so we can spend the weekend with zoe

OMG thank you I said

God charlie she's been gone a few hours and you miss her how are you going to cope

I guess I'll get used to it I smiled

I think i love you (charlie lenehan / bars and melody fan fiction )Where stories live. Discover now