Part 31

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hey guys I don't know if any of you like the Janoskians but I have started a fanfic about them , so go cheek it out if you like them , and if you don't know who they are them go watch some of there videos they are the funniest and you won't regret it Xxx .

I also have a George shelley one which is completed so cheek that out if you want .


Charlie's pov
The train pulled up into the station and I began having second thoughts about coming here.

I got off the train and got a taxi to Zoe's house , I told the man the address and he began to drive my nerves were building up even more ,
She hates me
She never wants to see me again
I hurt her
I was then knocked out of my thoughts by the driver telling me we had arrived , I paid him then walked up to the door .
I saw there was no car there meaning her aunt wasn't in I just hope she was.
After a few minutes I fought away my nerves and banged my fist against the door leaving me stood there waiting for an answer .

Zoe's pov
I was awoken by a loud banging sound , I then realised it was the door , no one else was in just me as my aunt had gone to work and Ellie was at a friends .

I climbed out of bed and began walking down the stairs .

When I opened the door I saw him stood there , the boy I hadn't stopped crying over , the boy who hurt me , the boy I didn't want to see but at the same time never wanted to be without him .

Can I come in asked quietly
I didn't saw anything I just nodded my head .
We both went and sat in the living room in complete silence.
I'm sorry he said looking at me
Why did you do it I managed to say
I don't know because I'm an idiot who doesn't know what he's doing
You hurt me so much charlie I said letting the tears fall
He put his hand out and wiped the tears from my eyes but I pulled away
Sorry he said looking down
Look charlie I loved you so much , bad now look at us , saw sorry a million times and I won't forget what you've done I said loudly to him so he knew I was serious
What can I do he asked
Nothing charlie , you can't do anything I said to him
Please zoe
his face looked shocked he had never seen me like this
Fine don't take me back but please be my friend he begged
I don't know charlie I said
Of corse I wanted to forgive him, I mean I wanted to take him back but I didn't want to get hurt again
Ok I said looking at him
You will he asked
Yes charlie I said
Friends? he said putting out his hand
Friends I said ignoring his hand but pulling him into a hug
I held him tight and he did the same to me after a few minutes I looked at his face our eyes meeting , I don't know what took over me but I pressed my lips onto his
He didn't kiss back to start with but after a few seconds he did , I pulled away from him
Sorry I whispered looking into his eyes ,which were no longer blood shot but filled with love .

Ok guys watpad deleted what I wrote twice , so it's taken longer to update than I thought it would Xx

I think i love you (charlie lenehan / bars and melody fan fiction )Where stories live. Discover now