Part 29

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Charlie's pov

Hey ebony I smiled as I saw her

Ebony had long red hair and was beautiful , I had been on a few dates with her and I felt so bad for zoe , but I guess she didn't need to know .

I just felt like me and zoe didn't work as a couple anymore long distances just don't work , when I see her today I am going to break it to her .

Hey baby ebony said hugging me

We went into the centre to spend some time together we went and stood by the fountain just mucking around , I gave her a quick hug then kissed her when I pulled away I heard my name

Charlie they whispered sounding upset

I turned around and saw her , my best friend , and the girl I was cheating on

She had tears running down her face

Who are you ebony asked zoe

I'm zoe Charlie's girl friend and you are zoe said sounding angry

UM NO I'm Charlie's girl friend so why don't you leave us alone ebony growled at her

Zoe looked at me for help

Zoe I'm sorry but I've moved on , distance didn't work for me , I was going to tell you later

IT DOSENT MAKE THIS ANY BETTER CHARLIE she shouted as a few people looked at us

Charlie did u cheat on her with me ebony asked

I'm sorry I said looking at her

Ebony turned to zoe

I'm so sorry I didn't. Know

Have home zoe said turning to me

And as for us charlie were not friends any more , we obviously aren't a couple anymore , and I never want to see you hear from you or speak to you every again charlie I hate you she said crying

Zoe I'm sorry I said realising I have just lost my best friend

No charlie she said walking away

Zoe's pov

I quickly walked away and got a taxi to Leo's house , when I arrived I knocked on the door

Hello Leo said he then looked at me

OMG zoe are you ok he asked pulling me into a hug

I just shook my head

We went into his house and sat down , I told him everything that had just happened , the door then opened and charlie stood there , I looked at him and he looked at

I, going back to London I said to both of them

What no you just got here Leo said

I'm sorry I can't stay here I said walking out the door , I then started a very long walk to the station .

Ok guys I wrote this in about 10 minutes so I hope it isn't to bad let me know how bad it is lol I just really wanted to update for you guys if it's really bad tell me and I will write it again xx

I think i love you (charlie lenehan / bars and melody fan fiction )Where stories live. Discover now