Part 22

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Charlie's pov

I just lay here thinking over and over about my kiss with zoe

How does she feel

Will we get back together

How will it work out

What about Sam

I knew I was overthinking this but I just couldn't sleep I couldn't think about anything else no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't because in all honesty I think I love her

It was now 3 am and I still hadn't fallen asleep I them heard someone move I then realised it was zoe

Charlie sorry did I wake you she whispered

What no I haven't been to sleep yet I can't sleep

She walked over to me and put out her hand leading me downstairs

She made me sit on the sofa and went into the kitchen

When she came back she handed me a mug which contained hot chocolate I took a sip and it was really good

She took a sip of hers and placed it on the table

What's been bothering she asked

Why do you think something's bothering me I said back to her not sure if I wanted to tell her

Charlie I know you when you can't sleep you have something on your mind you've always been the same she smiled

I placed my drink down and looked at her

I just keep thinking about you about us I confessed

You mean the kiss she asked

Yes I said looking down but not just that but how do you feel about I are we going to get back together how will we work out if were apart and lastly what about Sam you him don't you I asked looking down

She took both my hand in hers

Firstly charlie I don't know how you feel so I don't know if I feel the same, are we going to get back together I would love to charlie she said squeezing my hand tighter but only if you want to and being apart we can deal with it I will come and see you every weekend she smiled and Sam he is a friend not like you and Leo not at all he's someone who I just met

Hearing her say that made me feel all happy I was looking into her eyes whilst she said every word

I love you I whispered to her as I placed my lips onto hers

Zoe then went and got some blankets she cuddled into me as I cuddled her back, we had blankets over us

I love you Zoe Jones I whispered and gently kissed her forehead

Then we slowly drifted of to sleep

Sorry for not updating in a while have been really busy Xxxx

I think i love you (charlie lenehan / bars and melody fan fiction )Where stories live. Discover now