Part 33

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Charlie's pov

It had been a week since the accident and she still wasn't awake , but I knew this was all my fault , if I hadn't have cheated she wouldn't be here , If I hadn't followed he to London she wouldn't be in here , if I had just let her go on her own she wouldn't be in here .

I hadn't left her side once I just couldn't , my family had been to see her and so has her aunt and Ellie , but I was the only one who was by her side 24/7 I mean what if she woke up alone and scared .

Zoe's pov

I didn't know where I was or what was happening , I could feel someone holding my hand , I could hear so done talking

Zoe please wake up soon , I need you to be ok , I love you I heard someone say but who was it .

I went to move but I couldn't , I tried to open my eyes but nothing ,

I used everything I had to open my eyes , and I did it I saw a white ceiling and a bright light , I looked around and saw a boy holding my hand

He had blond hair and blue eyes and was probably about my age but the thing is I don't know who he is .

Zoe OMG are you ok I'm so sorry he said hugging me

I just lay there not sure what to do

Who are you I asked looking at him

What zoe it's charlie your best friend and boy friend he said looking at me

I'm sorry I said looking at him

At that point a doctor walked into the room

Oh zoe your awake she said looking shocked

She cheated me over them asked me a few questions

But I didn't know the answer to any of them , what's happening why didn't I know anything but most of all were are my parents.

I think i love you (charlie lenehan / bars and melody fan fiction )Where stories live. Discover now