Part 38

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Leo's pov

I grabbed my ace and fan down stairs

You ready my mum asked

Ready I smiled

We got in her car and headed off to London

After a very long drive we pulled up outside her house , I hopped out the car and ran up to the door , I knocked and waited of an answer

I then heard the lock click and the door open

OMG Leondre she said smiling at me

You remember me I asked

She nodded , I gave her a big hug and went into her house , my mum had gone to the hotel we booked so me and zoe could talk

Leo you can't tell charlie I remember you but not him, it will hurt him even more she said

Do t worry I won't I said

Zoe's pov

When I opened that door I instantly knew who he was I feel so bad remembering him and not charlie but I can't help it

He had gone home now and I was left alone once again , my aunt and Ellie were out shopping so I went out I my room and laid on my bed , I lay there just thinking , I felt something wet drip down my cheek and I realised I was crying , but I don't know why , why am I crying about someone I don't even know , who I can't remember , if it wasn't for all those photos I would have given up by now

But I knew I had known him most of my life so I couldn't give up now , I just couldn't .

Charlie's pov

I was sat in my bedroom thinking about everything that has happened with zoe

She meant so much to me , but I was beginning to loose hope .

What if it's best she doesn't remember me , I mean I hurt her that's why she wanted to leave , that's why she got hit because I followed her , all I've done to her is cause her hurt and pain , it's my own fault she forgotten , she dos wnt deserve what I did to her what I caused her to go through , part of me was hoping she didn't remember me , because if she did she would have to relive all of that pain .

This is something I thought I'd never say

For her own good

I'm giving up on zoe .

I think i love you (charlie lenehan / bars and melody fan fiction )Where stories live. Discover now