Part 10

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A lot happened in this month my sister is now living with my aunt in london and as I turned 16 I get to stay in the house on my own and my aunt is paying for it all my sister wanted to stay with me but I knew I couldn't give her a good life when I'm older she can come back to me and I will look after her

Zoe's pov

It had been a month since that day I had been to councling setions and talked to a lot of people and well I'm happy now, today was the first day back at school no one knows what happens other than charlie
They don't know about my parents
They don't know about my self harm
They don't know about my attempted suiside
They don't know I'm all on my own with no faimly
And they don't know about me and charlie
Not even Megan and Lucy know

Me and charlie walked down the road and into school hand in hand we were now in year 11 charlie was getting recognised by a lot if people due to the fact he is quite famous now not many people will follow him now because people have been told not to we walked into form and I saw Lucy and Megan and we went straight over to them
Omg guys I've missed you so much I said hugging them both
I know it's been so long shy didn't you answer your calls
Let's just say a lots happened I signed thinking about it
Speaking of a lot happening are you and charlie going out now Lucy asked
I looked at him and we both nodded
Aw I'm happy for you Megan replied

Form was now over and it was first lesson science which I had with charlie the lesson didn't seem to drag to much as me and charlie were just mucking around
Next we had maths but charlie was in a different set to me so we walked there together then went to our separate classes

It was now the end of the day and me charlie dan Lucy and Megan were all going to the park (dan is one of Charlie's mates)
When we got there we all went and sat on the grass it began to get hot so I slipped my blazer of forgetting about my scars
Megan Lucy and dan all looked at me in shock tears began to fall from my eyes as charlie hugged me tightly
It's ok
I looked over at my friends and they all looked very sympathetic
What happened Lucy asked
I sat there and I told them everything about my mum and dad the self harm the trying to kill my self living alone everything
They all seemed so shocked and promised not to tell anyone

I think i love you (charlie lenehan / bars and melody fan fiction )Where stories live. Discover now