Part 11

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It was finally Saturday and me and charlie were going to go and visit Leo as I hadn't seen him since the day they found me so it would be good to see him again

Me and charlie were going on our own as we had no one to take us

We arrived at the train station we had to change at 3 different stations before we would arrive at the one nearest Leo's then we would get a bus into the centre and a taxi to his house

When we got in the station we had 20 minutes to spear so we went to Starbucks a few girls stopped charlie on the way for a selfie but I didn't mind and neither did he

We were now on our last train we needed to be on and were running late because we got on the wrong train charlie had fallen asleep so I decided to wake him as we would be stopping very soon

Charlie babe it's time to wake up I said kissing his nose

Oh what sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep

Oh no no it's fine but were almost there

Oh ok he said rubbing his eyes

We were now heading out the station to get the bus

Oh it's that one isn't it charlie said pointing to the bus

Yes run I shouted

We both ran for the bus trying bot to drop our bags

We got on and paid the driver and off we went

It was about a 20 minute journey so I put my head phones in

We then arrived in the city me and charlie decided to look at some shops before traveling to Leo's house

Leo didn't actually know we were coming so it would be a surprise

We went to river island as charlie loves that shop

Charlie isn't that Leo I said to him

Omg yes should we go over he asked

Yes of corse you idiot

We walked over to him

Leo we both shouted he turned around only to revel it wasn't him me and charlie quickly walked away laughing

O. M. G I laughed

That was so funny charlie .laughed as well

We decided we should head to Leo's now and come back here when we go home

We got in the taxi and told him the address and he took us there

When we arrived it was a really lovely little house I had never been to Leo's so I didn't know what to expect

We paid the driver and went to knock on the door

Knock knock

We waited fir someone to answer

Mrs devris I smiled

Hello what are you doing here

Surprising Leo but don't tell him it's us charlie said

Leo your friends here his mum shouted up the stairs

A few seconds later I saw Leo coming down the stairs

Who is it he asked his mum

I don't know they said they are your friends she replied

He came to the door and when he saw us he had a massive smile on his face

Charlie zoe he smiled hugging me what are you doing here he asked

Surprising you what does it look like

Now are you going to let us in charlie asked

We both followed Leo in and up to what I'm guessing is his room

It was now 7pm and we were wondering what to do

What do you guys want to do Leo asked

Twitcam I shouted

Yes twit cam charlie agreed

Ok then twitcam it is zoe do you want to be in it or just watch Leo asked

Um I don't mind I said

Your gunna be I. It then they both said in unison

Zoe can you tweet about it whilst I set it up Leo asked


He handed me his phone with twitter logged in

@BarsAndMelody twitcam in 10 minutes with our amazing friend @My_Name_Is_Zoe #BAMtwitcamCuzWereBoard use this # to ask questions also tell us what you want us to do X

Guys I tweeted can I follow people now there all asking

Of corse charlie smiled tweet them as well if you want

Dunno if any of there are real or not

@BAMLoverSammy - @barsAndMelody omg can't wait love you boys I'm a charlie girl 😘😘

@BAMLoverSammy hope you enjoy princess and I'm a sammy girl 😉

I answered loads more like this then it was time for the twitcam

I think i love you (charlie lenehan / bars and melody fan fiction )Where stories live. Discover now