Part 9

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It has been a week

A week since me and charlie got together

A week since my parents died

A week since my whole life changed

My sister cries herself to sleep every night

And me well my life isn't easy my aunt came to live with us but she works a lot so I'm responsible for my sister a lot but I just hid away I cry I don't talk to anyone Leo and charlie come over everyday but I won't speak I began to self harm I'm depressed and I can't take it I almost took my life on Wednesday I had the tablets ready about to take them but my sister walked in

All I want to do is end it end the pain and end the hurt

I have cuts down my arms and on my stomach I haven't eaten since I found out charlie comes round to watch Ellie a lot because I just can't do it

Charlie's pov

It had been a week since Zoe's parents died and she isn't coping well I know she isn't she won't talk to me she won't eat and I hear her crying all the time

I was heading round there now to help her watch her sister and Leo was coming with me

Zoe's pov

Charlie and Leo were here with Ellie and whilst everyone was distracted I got the tablets in my hand I had 20 that should be enough right

I swallowed them one by one holding the last one in my hand quickly swallowing it

Just as charlie walked in

I'm sorry I breathed out before everything went black

Charlie's pov

I decided to go and see zoe I mean it was worth a try I walked into her room and she looked at me and breathed out I'm sorry before falling down she had cuts up her arm and an empty tablet bottle in her hand

LEO I shouted down

LEO HELP PLEASE I cried cradling her in my arms

I heard him running up the stairs and into the room

Leo help I cried

What should I do he asked

Ambulance now I shouted at him

Zoe please be ok I cried please I love you I said kissing her forehead

Then Ellie walked into the room looking at her sister

Charlie what's wrong she asked looking scared

Nothing Ellie go and find leo

But he's crying charlie

Ellie just go please I said

Ok she said quietly

Soon the ambulance came and took her away and I went with her whilst Leo stayed with Ellie

I held her hand the hole way not letting go once when we arrived I hot asked so many questions then I was left alone in the waiting room not being told anything

Soon after my mum arrived with Ellie and Leo

Mum she's going to die I can't loose her I cried

It will be ok

Leo's face just looked shocked he didn't know what to do

Ellie was scared and she wanted her big sister

My mum was worried about her as if she was her own

And me well I hadn't stopped crying since I found her I just kept thinking about her last words

I'm sorry

I'm sorry

I'm sorry

Charlie my mum said knocking me out of my thoughts

Yeah what I asked

The doctor she replied

Ok zoe took a major over died and charlie if you hadn't found her when you did this would be different news she is awake and stable but only wants to see you and Ellie

I took Ellie's hand and we followed the doctor when we got in there Ellie ran over to her sisters side

She looked pale and weak she looked sad and empty

Ellie she half smiled

After her and Ellie spoke for a while Ellie left to go and see Leo

Charlie she whispered

Zoe I said hugging her

I'm sorry for everything she cried

No princess don't be sad and don't be sorry

I love you charlie she said hugging me tighter

I think i love you (charlie lenehan / bars and melody fan fiction )Where stories live. Discover now