Unknown Barriers

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This goes to my friends for pushing me to write this separate fic.

Disclaimer: I do not own the pic

Now here we go!


Hayabusa made his way to the door, carrying the money for groceries. Locking the door, he went on his way. As he walked down the road, he saw what he would see in a normal day. Lots of trees, kids playing, and the local train passing by. He just stretched his arm. "This is more like it!" he murmured.

As he was nearing the store, he saw his friend Kagura walking in. "She must be buying supplies."

Hayabusa went inside too. It was a small grocery store and nothing much, but it has all the things he needed. He immediately went for the 'Fruits and Vegetables' section and picked three apples, a handful of fresh grapes and etc...

After that he went for drinks and chips. On his days off, he can do anything he wants even if his sect told him to eat healthily. Heck no! Hayabusa is the toil of the sect! He brought them glory over the Scarlet sect. Well, at least not now. The official duel day of the Shadow sect and the Scarlet sect is due next week. Despite this, Hayabusa is still chilling.

He doesn't even know who is it he's going up against so there is no need to worry.

There is not a lot of people in the counter so he finished up rather quickly. As he was walking outside carrying his things, he saw Kagura sitting on a bench with a flushed face, her back facing Hayabusa. "Maybe I'll say hi to her. It been a long time."

Just as he started to walk up to her, he tensed as Kagura began to release a coughing fit. Haya just stood there, a worried look plastered on his face. Kagura's small hand held her tender head. It was clear to Haya that Kagura had a cold, a bad one.

"Um... Kagura? Are you alright?" Haya asked her worriedly.

"O-oh I-its you H-Haya. I'm just... *cough *cough" she was interrupted when another round of coughs and a wave of nausea hit her. Hayabusa laid his groceries on the side of the bench and went for her. Kagura looked helpless.

Kagura's eyesight turned blurry as a headache entered her mind. She supported her head with her arms, her hands to her head and fingers rubbing on her temples. She was so dizzy that she had to lean on Hayabusa for additional support. Haya lifted his hands to hold her hips and the other to caress her hurting head.

"You have a fever. Why are you outside when you should be sleeping at home?" he asked, concerned.

"B-because... There... no medicine... had to... buy..." Kagura mumbled through her muddled mind. "Need to go..."

Kagura worked her way out of Haya's arms and proceeded to stand. She got up from the bench and immediately regretted it as the headache strengthened. She fell straight for the ground. 

Kagura closed her eyes, bracing for the impact. It never came; instead, a pair of strong arms held her, hugging her close. She knew that this person was someone whom she had a crush on for several years. She let her mind go weak as her headache intensified once again and she slowly fell into familiar darkness.

Haya held her up close. "She smell nice." he whispered. He brought Kagura up, carrying her bridal style and at the same time, getting his groceries and what she had bought - acetaminophen and aspirin tablets. Haya sighed. He looked at her angelic face. She was blushing wildly like roses. Hayabusa thought that it was because of the cold, yet deeper, it was something more.

Hayabusa walked home with Kagura in his arms. Oh, not to his home, but to Kagura's house. He's gonna have to cancel that sect meeting later in the evening.

"I'm gonna miss who I am gonna fight with."


I am tired so this is all that I can write for today.

Note: This is not a cliff hanger!

Hidden Barriers | Mobile Legends Fanfiction | Haya x Hana x Kag w/ HanzoWhere stories live. Discover now