Erased |Part 2|

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Hello! Now to continue...

Sorry because I am very tired so...

Anyways, here you go!


Hanabi stood in darkness. Black color swirling around her. 


All is dark. The utter blackness is being illuminated by her glowing body. 

A dream?

Hanabi walked around, but the darkness keeps following her and black seems to stretch from miles around. Then she heard a sound. A click.

She turned her head. Hanabi's instincts expects something to pop out from the dark, but none came. Moments later, she noticed her hands fading away. Just like dust.

No! What is happening to me?!

She frantically ran around, shaking her hand. Then, Hanabi's other hand started to disappear. Tears leaked from her eyes and she started to cry. She knelt down. She wipe her face with her arms. Looking down, she noticed her legs are disappearing too.


Why is this happening to me?

The fading reach her torso. Even her upper body was barely visible now.


Someone save me...

Save me from this nightmare!

Hanabi now faded away. Her glowing also vanished. Nothing of her was left. Only eternal darkness.


Hayabusa sat on a bench in the hallways. Currently, he is between two rooms. On his right is Kagura's room and at the left is Hanabi's.

He fidgeted with his shuriken. Finger to finger. He cannot relax as he is worried at both of them. He placed the shuriken inside his pocket while leaning down. He turned his gaze downward in deep thought. His trance, however, was cut off when Kagura's doctor opened her room. Haya tense.

"She's awake now." he said.

Haya's face lit up, but the doctor's face turned slightly grim. "She is suffering from temporary aphasia right now due to an external head trauma."

Hayabusa panicked. "Is that bad?!"

Seeing his alarmed reaction, the doctor chuckled. "Don't worry. It's now that serious. It is just an inability to speak properly or not even speak at all; however, it is all temporary. Lots of rest and relaxation will do her good."

"Oh." Hayabusa sighed in relief. "Can I go in?"

"Of course! Do not bother her very much by the way." The doctor gestured for the door. "I going to visit the other patient next door. You are her guardian right?"

Haya nodded and went inside.

"Good, I'll let you know of her condition later when I am done with her checking." He said, leaving.

Haya closed the door then turned around. There on the bed was Kagura, staring at him with lighted eyes.

"Are you feeling well now?" Haya asked. Kagura tilted her head. She grabbed a whiteboard and a marker on her bedside table and began scribbling on it. When she was done, she showed it to Haya.

Hidden Barriers | Mobile Legends Fanfiction | Haya x Hana x Kag w/ HanzoWhere stories live. Discover now