Time Apart

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Another story once again. I'm using my phone right now. So pardon the mistakes.

What will happen today I wonder?



"Ow! That hurt!" Kagura wailed. The pan landed painfully on her foot. She is on the ground, rubbing it. "I know I have bandages here. I can wrap it up."

She started to look inside cabinets, hoping to find the bandages so that she could wrap her sore foot. She limped toward the living room cabinet, slightly staggering all the way.

She opened the drawer. It was old, but still functional. Her face lit up. Inside was the thing she was looking for - a bandage. She then wrapped her foot with it, the pain still lingering along the toes. She winced a bit.

Once she was done, she stood up to cook her breakfast. Walking to the kitchen, she tripped again, knocking a vase down. As she fell down with a scream, a metallic sound was heard near her room.

"Ugh. What was that?" she mumbled, voice filled with pain. "Why does this always happen to me?"

Kagura stood up again and went for the sound, her bundled leg getting the best of her. She arrived at her room and noticed that the wooden floor had a slit on it. She bent down to look at it. It was a door. "That vase must have done something." she thought.

She opened on the door, expecting to be some random passageway, but it turns out to be just a compartment. Inside was an azure umbrella, carrying the Yin and Yang symbol. She stared at it in awe. It seems to be compelling her to touch it. She did, but...

A bright bluish light exploded throughout Kagura's house. When it cleared, the umbrella was in her hand. This sudden change surprise her and she dropped the umbrella ; however, the umbrella suddenly teleported back in her hand, which freaked her out more. 

She discovered that intense emotions will make it teleport back to her hand and the distance too. She figured that it is binded to her. She was a girl with a sticky umbrella.

She sighed. "Time to make my brunch, I guess..."


"I guess we are official?" Haya asked his 'lover'.

"Y-yes." Hanabi answered, blushing from the memory of the kiss. Hayabusa just chuckled.

"Why are we carrying our weapons again?" Hayabusa asked again.

"The sect said we have to find a rouge ninja. He's anonymous so we don't know entirely about him, but we know what he's after." Hanabi replied. "The ancient Seimei Umbrella."

"W-what? I thought that relic was long gone!" Hayabusa assumed.

"No. It was passed down from generation to generation, but it is still unknown to us whether it still exists. Now let's find that rouge ninja!" She told Hayabusa.

"Why not beat him to it?" Haya suggested.

"Silly boy! We cannot locate the Seimei Umbrella with our current knowledge." Hanabi laughed. "Let's split up. We'll have a better chance of finding it."

"Right." Hayabusa followed.


"I can't believe I'm stuck with this!" Kagura pouted, umbrella in hand. "How am I gonna live with this?"

She just finished her meal and she grew very drowsy. *Yawn "I guess I'll sleep for now."

She laid down the couch and stared at the ceiling until she fell asleep. A pair of eyes watched her and the umbrella. "S..... Sei......Seimei....."


Hanabi ran. House for house. She searched for any suspicious activity. The Seimei Umbrella, according to her statistics, was near the vicinity. She turned on a street.

She noticed someone inside a house. Kagura's house!

She ran for it and inside was the rouge ninja! She summoned Higanbana and pointed it at the rouge, who was holding the umbrella. "Give me that artifact traitor." She said quietly and fiercely to not wake a sleeping Kagura.

"No can do, weakling." the rouge said.

"Why you!!"

Kagura stirred a little from her sleep, one hand on her chest and the other dangling lazily. Hanabi turned to look at the other ninja. He was gone! She turned around to see him running in the street. Good thing the street was almost isolated or else the reputation of the sect would be a laughing stock.

Hanabi chased the man, Higanbana glowing in her hand.


A flower-like object flung itself to the rouge ninja. The ninja, however, did a hand sign. "This umbrella goes back to the owner once it's reached its max distance." He snickered.

"What?" Hanabi panicked. Higanbana's projectile was designed to home in on its target like heat-seeking missiles -  It will follow it anywhere.

"Ha!" the rouge disappeared. The umbrella fell and also disappeared. Higanbana's projectile went haywire and directed back to Kagura's house. "Oh no."

Hanabi ran back. "Oh no Kagura!"

Once she was at the door, there stood Hayabusa. He kneeled beside Kagura. Hanabi just covered her mouth in disbelief. The projectile had buried itself on Kagura's chest, producing a huge wound and also damaging the Seimei Umbrella. Kagura seemed dead right now.

Haya stood up and faced Hanabi.

"What have you done?"


Ohhhhhh! I need some milk! There goes another chappy!


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