HayaHana: Extraction

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Another Chapter, another late night sleep. Forgive me if I'm too dull right now, but I haven't able to sleep last night. Right now, I am very exhausted and tired. 

Where are we again? Oh, that. I remember. Sorry, even I am monologing on writing.

Anyways, here you go!


"What do you mean?" Hayabusa asked, confused. Kagura became the vessel? For what?

"Hahahaha!" Hanzo laughed, voice echoing darkly. "Did you forget the Blood Demon that resides within me? In exchange for power, I sacrificed my soul and sanity! Thus, we became one,"

Hayabusa was still confused. Hanzo easily saw the look on Haya's face. Hanzo grinned, showing off sharp, white fangs.

"That doesn't make any sense!" Hayabusa shouted, clenching his sword. This made Hanzo's grin wider.

"Puny creature! The Blood Demon corrupts and invades any mindset, making their very personalities crumble away. Essentially, they turn into a mindless zombie that subjects to the Blood Demon only, effectively cutting them off from their right intuition," Hanzo explained, a sick smile plastered on his face.

Hayabusa's eyes went wide. He took a glance at Kagura, who was unconscious on the corner. He looked at Hanzo once more, his eyes flaring with anger.

"You monster!" Haya shouted. Instinctively, he initiated the attack. Hayabusa ran for Hanzo's unarmored body, aiming for his torso. I'm gonna slice you in half!

As Haya ran, he gained momentum enough for a powerful swing. His arms buckled at his side with the sword in his hands. He cut straight through Hanzo, expecting to see his body obliterated, but Hayabusa found himself gasping.

The sword had been swung, producing a sharp swishing sound. The wound impact, however, was never there. Along Hanzo's torso became liquid, dripping to the floor in a flashy red color. The sight made Hayabusa's eyes widen. The demon carrier then cackled.

"Such futile effort! This underground hideout may be made out of metal to render my power useless, but weapons like your's have no effect on me! Hahahaha!" Hanzo laughed maniacally.

Hayabusa cursed and jumped away. If weapons are useless, how about my shadow abilities?

He put the sword back to the scabbard on his back. Taking a deep breath and closing his eyes, he performed the right-hand gesture, releasing the energy within him to perform the technique. Hanzo just watched, amused at Haya's actions.

"Oh? Are we doing a relaxation session now?"Hanzo mocked. 

Moments later, Hayabusa opened his eyes. At this point, Hanzo would've still mocked Haya, but the change in Haya's atmosphere made him stop. Hayabusa's eyes glared with maximum intensity as if making Hanzo melt just from the stare.

The two just stood there, with Haya emitting fierce energy which made Hanzo back up a step. The stalemate continued, Hanzo waiting for Hayabusa to attack. Then it happened.

Hayabusa charged in, running directly for Hanzo.

"Getting confident now, are we?" Hanzo mocked again. He braced for a direct tackle. 

They were inches apart when Haya produced four shadow-like silhouettes of him at his back, both of his sides, and one at his front which went straight inside Hanzo. 

Hanzo swiped for Haya, aiming for the head. Just when he thought he'd get him, he disappeared.

"What?!" He exclaimed in disbelief. 

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