HayaHana: Truth

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I am very sorry for the late updates. Don't worry, since I have finished all my test and I am now waiting for the results. In the meantime, I'm gonna update to make up for lost time.

Since I haven't updated this for a very long time, I may have... umm... sort of forgotten the actual plot. So I had to read the last few chapters. It's okay now. I remembered, but I may have gotten rusty.

WARNING: This chapter may contain limited graphic content. If you can't take this kind of thing, please endure it.

P.S. It's only blood tho.

Anyways, here you go!


The strong wind blew fort the hospital window, taking leaves along with it. Along the glass panes, the sun glistered and shined. In a certain hospital room, the sunlight shone with a shady sear. The curtains of the covering the light like big, flowing sunglasses. The room seemed strangely quiet. This silence and emptiness that filled the room was ruined by a door opening.

"Ms. Hanabi, were going to take your las-"

The nurse was unable to continue her sentence, for a certain patient seemed to be missing.


"Should I report the higher order?" A guard asked, his hood loose along his mane.

"There is no need to alert the governors. This situation is in complete control." Hayabusa replied, arms crossed. The guard nodded, eyeing Hayabusa's uneasy aura.

At the moment, Haya is in deep thought. Why isn't Hanzo's energy completely gone? I can still feel it somewhere else.

He lost it.

"Hold your positions, I have to go somewhere." He shouted, running for the shrine gates.

"Yes sir!"


What am I doing?

Where am I going?

Why am I doing this?

Just who is controlling me?


"What is with that girl?" Hanabi asked. "She makes me queasy."

Hanabi is currently prancing through the suburbs, the streets ever so empty. She attempted to follow the mysterious girl that gave her goosebumps at the hospital. Exiting through the hospital door, she crept her way to the main exit.

"I wonder where she went. I can sense a bad aura around her though." Hanabi murmured. "Maybe I'll use that."

Creeping along the street intersections, Hanabi walked slowly and carefully. She can feel that the girl can be close. The aura she's sensing is getting stronger. More evident. Hanabi peeked at the street ahead. There she is!

The girl walked in a trance-like manner. Like a puppet on strings. Hanabi grew suspicious. No normal person will walk like that.

"Umm... Mis-" Hanabi started to shout at the girl but was stopped by a silhouette behind her, making her freeze.

"What are you doing here Hanabi? I sense very bad energy around here. You should be at the hospital for your last checkups!" Hayabusa told her. Hanabi looked at him and sighed.

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