Erased |Part 1|

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It really been a long time since I updated. It's because of the exams.

Anyways, here you go!


Hayabusa ran for Kagura's room. Hanabi lay unconscious between his arms, covered in blood. She looked dead, but she is very much alive. Her spirit energy is slowly depleted, indicating that she is nearly at the verge of dying. Hayabusa is now panicking, running rampant in the hospital halls.

As he avoided passing nurses and patients, who looked at him with a worried and confused looked, he finally found Kagura's room.


A sect guard standing in the doorway. The guard turned his head at him. "Ah, The Shadow, I presume? What is your business." He bowed politely.

"I-I need to get inside right now." Haya panted, voice nearly cracking. The tone in Hayabusa's voice is what the guard understood, but he was still confused entirely.

The guard's gaze looked at the person in his arms. "Lady Hanabi?" he thought, eyes widening in shock. Now he really understood.

"I need to get to-" Haya continued, but he was cut off by the guards voice.

"Say no more. You are here for the Seimei's magical healing properties. It is beside the patient inside. Quick!" The guard instructed, opening the door. 

Haya bolted inside, frantically searching for the Umbrella. He laid Hanabi on a small guest couch inside. Beside a sleeping Kagura was a nightstand, the Seimei Umbrella leaning against it. He grabbed it in hurry. Haya poised the tip on Hanabi's for head. He can feel the magical energy gathering within. He was about to release the energy when the door opened.

"Hayabusa! Wait!" The sect governor entered, along with Hiro and a couple of sect guards.

"We have no time! I need to do this now or she is going to die!" Haya shouted at him, glaring and eyes tearing.

"You don't understand, Haya. There may be an intense healing effect, but there will be a random side effect too." He explained.

"What do you mean?" Haya asked, panicked and confused.

"The Seimei Umbrella can heal any wound as long as the person is alive, but a person who is not the owner will received a negative effect." The sect governor explained.

"Why is that?"

"The umbrella and the owner are connected and binded spiritually; however, a different person is unbalanced with the spiritual magic power. That is why a negative effect is given. The effects vary. The worst case is the person dying even if they are being healed."

Haya clenched his teeth.

The governor noticed his tense aura. "I know it's-"

"What choice do I have?!" Haya cut in. "If I won't do this, she's gonna die anyway!"

The governor sighed. Haya was right. It was risky, but the negative effect may be mild.

"Do as you wish."

Haya looked at his bloodied love then at the umbrella.

Please live. I will never let go of you ever again!


What will the negative effect be?
Hmmmm, I wonder what.....

So yeah. Nighty!

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