Chapter Three

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Felix's pov

"Hey, that Chaebin girl was pretty cute don't you think Hyunjin."

"She's okay I guess." He replied.

"So, Jae Yi's the girl you have a crush on?" I asked.

"No, of course not, she's like my little sister, that's gross dude." He said making a disgusted face.

"So she's single huh?" I teased.

"If you touch my little sister I will break your face." He replied.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested."

"I'm sorry, I told you she's like my little sister, you know that I don't have siblings." He pouted.

"I think Chaebin's pretty," I said sitting on the sofa next to Hyunjin.

"Really you think so? I can hook you up with her if you want." He replied.

"What- no, that's not-" I sighed at him, "anyway, so you don't like her?" I asked.

"She's my best friend, so naturally we're closer, and besides I'm pretty sure she likes me but I can't bring myself to like her like that, it's kinda uncomfortable you know? But dating Chaebin? That's even more gross then dating Jae Yi." He replied shuddering.

"Yeah, yeah whatever, you like her." I teased.

"Anyway, if you ever break her head I will break you."

"Protective much." I scoffed.


Jae Yi's pov

"Jae, I'm serious, Minho keeps looking at you weirdly, it's uncomfortable, it's like he's looking at both of us. But I mean obviously he's looking at you because he likes you." Chaebin mumbled teasing me.

"He probably doesn't even know who I am." I sighed rolling my eyes.

"Well. I mean it's never to late to be friends." She spoke quickly walking away from me.

"What? Where are you go-" I replied getting interrupted by my face hitting a hard surface.

"Ow," I mumbled looking down at the floor rubbing my nose.

"I am sorry, are you okay?" A familiar voice asked.

"I looked up and saw him, my crush, Lee Minho."

"I'm fine how about you?" I asked.

"Yeah, no I'm fine that must of hurt, you sure you're okay?" He asked helping me up.

"Yeah, really I'm fine, thanks for asking." I smiled shyly.

"No problem, your name's Jae Yi right?" He asked flashing me smile.

"Yeah, I'm Jae Yi."

"Uh, well I'll see you around then Minho." I waved at him walking to my locker where I spotted Chaebin.

"Wait!" He shouted.

I turned back facing him.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Can I get your phone number?" He asked a smirk making his face.

"For what?"

"So I can repay you of course." He replied walking over to me. "And I need help with Biology." His cute eye smile showed a faint red dusted his ears.


We exchanged phone numbers and went our own way.

"Thanks, babe." He winked before turning back to his friend group.


"Chae, what the hell just happened?" I asked still shocked by the little nickname he gave me.

"You just made a new friend Jae! Good job!" She nudged.

"He's nice and all but watch him be doing this because of a bet." I pouted." He's never this nice to anyone, my face literally planted itself on his chest, he probably hates me."

"He just gave you his number, he doesn't just do that to anyone." Chaebin teased.

"Yeah, whatever, I thought you hated him, you're supposed to be on my side."

"Oh look! It's Felix." She ignored me and walked over to him pulling me along with him.

"Oi Felix!" She smiled watching his face change from confusion to excitement.

"Guys I think I just made some friends." He cheered.


End of Chapter Three

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