Chapter Forty One

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Jae Yi's Pov

"Doctor Kim, how's he?" Chaebin asked.

"Nothing too serious, he did sprain his ankle but it's only a grade 2 sprain." She explained.

"Which means?" I asked puzzled.

"Which means, healing time can take up to five days or up to two weeks, depending on how bad the tear is on the ligament," Chaebin added interrupted.

"Wow, your friend over here knows." The doctor chuckled, "don't worry, your friend will be fine, maybe he should stay home for a few days though, he might need someone to watch over him."

"What about crutches? Is he gonna get that?"

"Crutches aren't needed for a 2 grade sprain but I suppose he could get crutches if he wants, but still, he shouldn't get out of bed too much or the pressure he's putting on his foot could injure it even more," Chaebin said cutting her off again.

"Chae quit it." I nudged her.

"No, she's right, I'm guessing you're studying in medical field?"

"Yeah, she wants to become a pediatrician." Hyunjin informed.

"Well, you guys have any more questions you can ask me or your friend." The doctor said, she looked at Chaebin with a smile, "if you want, you can always sign up here to be a pediatric, we're always open." She said leaving.

"Hey, I'm not even close to graduating college yet but I'm already doing good." Chaebin smiled giving a high five to Hyunjin.

"So Chae, when would he be able to walk again?" I asked getting interrupted by Hyunjin.

"How did he sprain his ankle?" Hyunjin added.

"How's he gonna go to school?" I blurted out.

"What if-"

"Please, no more questions guys." She said causing Hyunjin closing his mouth nodding.

"He will be able to walk in a few days, maybe a couple weeks depending on how bad the sprain is, and like the doctor said he's gonna need to stay home for a few days even if he has crutches he's isn't supposed to walk around a lot, and, Chan already told you how he sprain his ankle." She finished off.

"Oh, yeah, right." Hyunjin laughed sheepishly rubbing his nape.


"Oh, hey Jae Yi, what are you doing here?" Chan said holding out his apartment door.

"I just came to check up on you, Chae and Hyunjin wanted to come too but they decided to go on a date before they arrive at school." I explained.

"I'm fine, really. I can go to school don't worry." Chan said struggling with his crutches.

"No, no, no Chaebin and the doctor both said that you have to stay home for a few days." I stated.

"Yeah, I know but I'm fine I can walk with my crutches." He said with a reassuring smile.

"But you almost fell from using the crutch-"

"I'll get used to it during the day." He said cutting me off.

"Fine, let me just call the doctor first."

"Jae Yi, I'm fine." He assured.


"Chan! What are you doing here? You're supposed to be at home resting." Chaebin slapped his shoulder.

"Ow Chae," he winced holding his shoulder.

"Go home you psycho, it's a free ticket to freedom." Chaebin replied envious of the boy.

"It's fine, I'm fine guys, look, I came here perfectly fine right?" Chan smiled.

"I guess." She sighed.

"See, I'm fine." Chan responded throwing a light laugh to lighten the mood.

"Hey guys, woah, what happened to mr.crippled over here?" Jisung pointed out at Chan.

"Long story short, I tripped over my untied shoelace and sprain my ankle." Chan mumbled embarrassed.

"How lame, I thought it was gonna be like you sprain your ankle in a fight and used your leg to trip the bag guy." Jisung snickered.

"Nope, my clumsy self just tripped over my shoelace." Chan laughed.

"Wow, I cant believe I went all the way to your apartment to stay with you only to have you come to school with me. I went to your apartment for no reason then." I huffed.

"Well, I for one am flattered that you thought about me, also, you were planning to stay with me?" Chan said pointing at himself.

"Well, Chaebin was suppose to but she went on a date instead." I answered.

"Wow, what a friend Chae." He sassily remarked.

"Oh, you know it." Chaebin dramatically winked, the group erupting into laughs.


End of Chapter Forty One

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