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"Wow, who the hell is that?" My friend nodded over in the direction they were all staring at as I stopped texting my father that I was going to be late coming home tonight. 

Instantly, I dropped my phone, almost choking on my own tongue as I watched the brown-eyed blonde march her way over to my car. I gulped, the idea of unlocking my car and speeding off prominent in my head, while also wondering how far I would make it if I just dropped everything and ran. 

My mouth went dry, goosebumps protruding along my arms at an exponential rate as I tried getting my breathing under control. I could barely hear my friends questioning if I was okay, or the tightened grips on my arms to keep myself from standing. Using the car as support, I watched as the blonde's eyes turned darker with each step she took towards me. 

All the memories I've worked so hard to keep buried in my conscious came to life as I stared at the only girl that kept me sane during the darkest period of my life. Unfortunately, my lack of an explanation left her to a bitter shell that was obviously still beaming with passion and confidence as her strides lengthened. 

Not before long, the blonde brushed my friends easily to the side until she placed her hand on my chest to push firmly into the metal exterior of my car. I breathed out, feeling the heat from her touch resonate throughout the upper part of my body while I stared frighteningly and sadly into her chocolate brown eyes. 

Taking the width of my black school tie in her hand, she pulled it harshly to her as our bodies meshed themselves together in close proximity. Her stature made it possible for her to dominate me from above as she let out a frustrated groan. I gulped, refusing to look at her anymore as I tilted my head to the side, staring blankly at the black pavement below us. 

Immediately I felt her other hand pinch my cheeks between her fingers, forcing my face to stare into her as she leaned in closely, our lips barely touching as Alexis whispered with gritted teeth, "You have a lot of explaining to do, Samantha Sumner." 

Tainted Growth (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now