Chapter Eleven - Guilty

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Isabelle's POV


"Jason, you need to slow down. We don't even know if this is the right school we're driving to!" I exclaimed as I held onto the car handle for dear life. 

"She said it was an hour away from where they were, plus I know Joshua, and he would've sent her to the most expensive ass private college in the whole state of California." He raved out as he made a sharp turn which almost made me hit my head against the glass window of his car.

Ever since Cameron texted the group chat saying they found Samantha, I thought Jason would take it calmly considering he was the one to tell them not to drive over there. However, since Cameron hasn't been responding for a full hour, he grew more and more anxious with every upcoming minute. Therefore, instead of just mulling over the situation and waiting for some news on Cameron and Alexis' end - we were going 100 mph to visit a random school that we hoped was the right one.

Except I didn't want to face Samantha.

Yes, I missed her presence, but ever since Alex found out that I was sleeping with Samantha while I was with her ... also basically sleeping with my best friend's little sister ... I've been guilty ever since. Looking back on the situation two years later, I knew I was idiotic to fall for Samantha's body. I knew it was all just for sex, and as a rational adult, I should've just looked elsewhere to avoid this whole fiasco.

I just couldn't help but think that I was the reason why Samantha chose to stay with Joshua.

I looked over at Jason, studying his harsh facial features as he concentrated on just driving and not getting us killed. Definitely over the couple years without Samantha, he looked a bit older. A few years ago, he always looked cheerful and youthful, but now he just looked serious and tired all the time. I could tell from the subtle, grey spots under his eyes or the way his voice lost a little of his pep.

I mean, sure, it was good that he stopped partying, drinking, and doing drugs. But even after he lost all of that, it seemed that a part of his soul left when Samantha disappeared. He never told me why she did, or why she chose to go off with her random uncle - it just sorta happened.

And we all never questioned it. I sure as hell didn't, considering I had my own secret to keep.

Jason made another sharp turn, and I looked nervously over to his dashboard. My heart leapt as I realized that his gas meter was already blinking.

"Jason, you need to get gas now."

He made a weird grunt, "It'll be fine. We're only fifteen minutes away, it'll make it." After he said that, he seemed to press on the gas more, and I silently hoped that he would be pulled over soon.

"If you say so..." I trailed off then started the conversation again, "You were the one that said not to go there to Cameron. Why the hell are we going to confront this situation?"

He gave me a distressed look, "You think Alexis and Cameron will make the situation better?"

I raised an eyebrow, "You think all four of us bombarding Samantha after two years will help the situation?"

He pursed his lips as he started to slow down, "No, but then at least we can drag Alexis and Cameron away from it. You know Alexis is still pissed about Samantha leaving, and you also know that Samantha is still a trigger for Cameron's ... instability." He said in a monotone voice as if he actually didn't even believe the reasons he was giving.

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