Chapter Ten - Void the Past

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Chapter Ten

Sam's POV


Do you ever get that moment where you're so concentrated on someone in front of you, but in the back of your mind you had other things to ruin about? For example, someone would be having a complete conversation with you and you'd actually be making eye contact with them, but then for some darn reason, you could not focus on anything that person was saying.

It was just like that. As I stared into Alexis' big, brown eyes, it was as if that was the only thing I was actually seeing. I could barely hear my friends in the background or even the fact that Alexis was ranting with her fingers still holding my cheekbones. I felt like I was in another place, and I definitely felt like I was another entity in a different strange reason. Everything was muffled, and the only reason why I was able to transport myself back into reality was that I suddenly became aware that my mouth was really, freaking dry.

I moved my lips and tongue together, trying to get some moisture going but as a result, I choked on my own spit. Embarrassed, I pulled away from Alexis' grip and tried to get myself together. Finally, I spoke after minutes of silence, "Do you have some water?"

Everyone fell silent.

Until Alexis took a step back, her eyes traveling from my face to my body then back to my face in absolute disbelief. "You disappear on me for two years and all you had to say was, 'Hi Alexis' and 'Do I have some water?'" She crossed her lean arms together with her foot out and tapping in insistence which sounded louder due to the wedges she was wearing. I watched her pink lips press together, and the vague memory of the kiss we shared that night flashed brightly in my mind.

I cleared my throat, "Sorry, I needed some water."

I watched her dark eyes lighten up a bit, but in that same second her face fell emotionless. Her stature stiffened and straightened, and I suddenly became aware of how much the blonde before me changed in the two years I've been gone.

Her blonde hair seemed lighter, which made her face seem more open and brighter, except at the moment she wasn't any of those things towards me. Her eyelashes seemed fuller and from this distance, I can vaguely see the tips of them flutter against the tops of her cheekbones as she blinked in slow, shock. My eyes glanced over her body, and while she was just as toned as she was a couple of years ago, it was obvious that she grew a couple of inches to fill herself out.

I gulped, moving my eyes away as I felt my face blush. I didn't want to make it obvious that I was checking her out.

She ran her fingers through her hair, "Were you even listening to anything I was saying a moment ago?"

All I could do was nod, and I watched her sigh as she shifted her feet around.

Thankfully, Savannah stepped between the two of us, while Liam stood by my side to hand me a bottle of water. I quickly opened the cap before downing it as if I haven't consumed a drop in days.

"Who the fuck are you?" Savannah blurted out with her arms crossed, her eyes looking up at Alexis' face due to their change in height. I couldn't help but compare the two blondes, seeing that their profiles were similar to the other with the exception of the color of their irises.

Alexis put her fingers up to her temples as if to cure a headache that was honestly probably there. "Alexis Matthews," she sighed, "I met you the other day."

Confused, I tilted my head to look at her in confusion. Likewise, Savannah did the same as she took a step closer to the taller blonde. "What are you talking about?" I looked down at Sav's boot, hoping that she wasn't thinking about drawing a weapon on Alexis. Honestly, I wasn't sure who would win in a fight between the two. "Look, you cannot just come in here with your fancy car and yell at my best friend. You're fucking lucky that I haven't shoved my-"

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