Chapter Six - Just My Luck

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Alexis' POV


"What the hell do you mean by 'I'm not drinking tonight?'" Cameron spat out as she started to light a cigarette right at the table we were seated at. Fortunately enough, we were situated right at the edge of the dancefloor, where tight, sweaty bodies were swaying clumsily to the beat of the DJ table.

"Meaning - I'm not drinking tonight. I'm trying to lay low," Jason said huskily while sipping on a freaking Shirley Temple. He was slouched over in the stained leather seats, which made him look lazy in comparison to the work attire he still had on from earlier in the day. It wasn't much, mostly a light-blue button-up with black slacks, his black tattoos sneaking up his neck and down his arms.

He honestly looked tired, as his jaw was lined with scruff and one of his cuffs had been rolled up at an uneven angle.

"This whole night was to celebrate the fact that you two-" Cameron glanced over at Jason and her sister while taking a light drag of her cigarette, "finally have some time off. What, you two took the next two weeks off? It's a miracle your boss let you."

Isabelle sighed while she sipped her gin and tonic carefully, "He made us. We haven't been using our vacation or sick days, so he definitely didn't want to get in trouble for overworking us," she hesitated, "But then that leaves us two weeks to celebrate. Jason doesn't have to get trashed tonight, he's just not in the mood. He's been a bit grumpy today."

"I am not grumpy," he retorted with his arms crossed like a child. I shifted a little in my seat, running my hands through my hair and also scooching a little bit away from Cameron so I wouldn't stink of cigarettes. "And, you can't smoke in here," he added on as he gave a pointed look at Cameron.

"Grumpypants," the younger Chase sister murmured as she put out her cigarette by crushing it into an ice cube of Jason's non-alcoholic drink.

His mouth immediately dropped down into an 'o' as he stared at her incredulously, "How dare you?"

"I swear to fucking god Jason if you don't get a big boy drink and change yourself out of your diapers. I will literally put my next cigarette out on your balls." Cameron snatched a shot glass filled with whiskey so she could down it quickly. I narrowed my eyes at her, trying to remember how much she drank tonight, or if I was going to have to be the one to sober up to drive us to Jason's house.

"Fine," he groaned as he pushed himself out of the booth. I watched him walk towards the bar, as if he was a seven-year old that got scolded by his mother, and grinned to myself while shaking my head.

"Cameron, stop bullying Jason," Isabelle sighed as she moved her arm towards the back of the booth to lounge herself in. She was also in her work attire, except the professional white blouse she donned had a few of its buttons opened, showing the top layers of her black lace bra underneath.

"I'm not bullying him. Plus, he hasn't touched an ounce of alcohol in months. You two have been working non-stop."

"Well, he's touching alcohol now," Isabelle murmured against the rim of her glass. I looked back towards where Jason was just at, and in his hand, he carried a dry, martini glass. I tried to stifle a laugh as I watched Cameron try everything in her will to not beat the shit out of the man that was four times her size.

"Happy now, Cameron?" He said with a kiddish pout that definitely didn't match that muscles on the exterior of his body.

"If I answer that question honestly, I might go to prison" she muttered with a roll of her eyes. Taking another shot glass filled with whiskey, she downed it in a second before getting up to walk into the dance floor. Sure enough, she found a pretty redhead to prey on within seconds. I shook my head in annoyance as I turned back to her sister.

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