Chapter Seven - So Close

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Chapter Seven

Samantha's POV


Dad: Are you enjoying the night?

I watched the small typing bubbles disappear and reappear after he sent his twelfth text of the night. I knew he was worried about me, especially how I was getting home, so I had to reassure him that I was fine and that I was in safe hands.

Despite being tipsy, I wasn't completely gone. I knew Savannah was a little drunk, I mean- she had to be, considering she had about three dark beers and a couple of shots throughout the night. I also didn't know if the flask she brought was empty or not.

After trying to avoid conservation with Riley, we finally ran into Liam and April, where they were huddled up in a corner and enjoying the show the whole time we were here. Liam convinced me that he stopped drinking two hours ago as he was the designated driver, while he was practically holding up April to prevent her from falling.

On the other hand, Courtney was absolutely trashed. We could all tell from her movements and the fact that she was basically the loudest one cheering for Brooke. That said a lot considering Gabrielle was her sister, and she was cheering pretty loudly from a few rows back.

I wondered if there was a faint sense of recognition within Courtney for what she did to me in the bathroom just a couple hours ago. Or would I be able to move along with the memory as if it was just a mirage of what could have been?

Me: I'm okay, show just ended, we are all hanging out now. I will update you in an hour.

Dad: Be safe, sweetie. Call me if you need anything, I love you.

Me: I love you too Dad (:

Sighing as I locked my phone, I looked around, my eyes stopping at Gabrielle, who was holding Riley in a content embrace. I made a mental note to catch up with her later by getting her contact information, but I mostly hoped that Riley wouldn't spill anything about what happened to me in Kingsley.

My friends didn't need to know about that stuff.

Transporting my conscience back to reality, I blinked as I realized that I was awkwardly standing in the middle of our group while introductions were being made. I didn't even realize that Brooke had already packed up everything and was under the wing of Courtney's arm. In her hand was a Budweiser with her eyes trained on me.

"Guys," Courtney started to slur as she gestured towards me, her blue eyes glazed over in intoxication, "This is Brooke Devons, isn't she just a cutie?"

She shook Liam's hand first while I examined her with careful eyes. Her brown hair cascaded down her shoulders, falling short just below her breasts - which were obviously huge under her tight t-shirt. I looked up and saw that her similar hazel eyes were sparkling in the club lights, a couple of dimples showing at each side of her lips in amusement as she shook everyone's hand. Once she reached mine, she grasped it tightly with a small smile on her face.

"I'm Samantha," I stated as I watched Courtney nuzzle her mouth into the brunette's neck. The same mouth that was attached to mine just a couple of hours ago in the bathroom stalls. Just at that moment, I felt Riley tug on my arm just as Brooke let my hand go.

My eyes widened in surprise at the contact, "We went to school together." I almost completely forgot about the whole different problem at hand. I was too busy being slightly jealous of Brooke and Courtney that I forgot that Riley recognized me from Kingsley.

I mean, it wasn't bad that everyone would eventually find out that we went to school together. The bad part would be the reputation that I left there, specifically the one that involved a whole bunch of drama with the friends I left behind.

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