Chapter Four - Crossing Paths

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note (update on my life): 

-it's my last semester of college for my English undergrad 

-I'm working way too much 

-my dog is amazing 

-I'm addicted to vegan corn dogs

enjoy (: 

Sam's POV


"I told you - we are not going to drive your disgusting piece of shit until you degrease, bleach, and basically burn your car away. You should be grateful that I'm letting you drive my car, but I swear to God if you burn a hole in it with your filthy cigarettes I will make sure April knows about that-" Savannah was ranting as she leaned forward from the back seat to hover over Liam's shoulder. I was situated in the backseat too, along with Courtney, who was casually checking her hair in the side-view mirror. I sighed, feeling slightly uncomfortable at the sheer long sleeve I was wearing, accompanied with a flowing, short khaki skirt that Sav made me wear. It was tight around my waist, showing off the right curves, but I couldn't help but tug it down a little to make sure not too much of my thighs were showing.

The passenger seat was empty. We decided it would be less awkward, considering Liam invited his (girlfriend?) to party with us. If she were to sit in the backseat, I'm pretty sure Savannah and Courtney would heckle the crap out of her.

In addition to this mess that was ensuing in the front, I really had to pee.

Before leaving my house, I was a nervous wreck. To calm down, Courtney and Savannah had to sneak gin into my cup of orange juice, and while I wasn't intoxicated - it definitely went straight to my bladder. My cheeks were tinted pink from the strong alcohol, but I still had a clear mind - which I'm grateful for, considering my dad was nervously waiting for us to leave while Liam picked us up. He reminded me at least forty times that he was going to be available to talk, text, and even if we all needed a safe ride home. The latter was more of a hint that he knew that my friends were going to be drinking, and I kinda felt guilty that I consumed a minuscule amount of gin.

Crossing my legs together, I looked out the window and tried to fade their bickering from out of my mind. I held my breath, gritting the sides of my teeth together just so I could forget about what my body wanted to release. Unfortunately, that involved my mind wandering to the incident that happened with Courtney seeing my underwear the other day. I felt my cheeks redden, even more, gulping and happy that they were all preoccupied with yelling at each other.

Thankfully, Liam made a turn into a dormitory parking lot. Once he parked, I took this as my cue to stumble out from the back of Sav's car. I pressed my skirt down with my hands to make sure nothing was visible, as I tapped my foot impatiently.

"Uh, Sam, what are you doing?" I heard Courtney ask as my eyes wandered across the UCLA sign and towards the front door of the dormitory that I hoped had a public bathroom. My two girlfriends stayed in the backseat of the car as I noticed Sav casually bring her skirt up to reveal a shiny, silver flask that lay still against her skin. I looked away while she unclasped it from the belt that was tightened around her thigh, bringing the flask to her lips and letting her tongue burn in succession to it roaming around her lips. Quickly, Courtney also took the flask out of the other blonde's hands, but instead of a small sip, she definitely gulped at least a third of the contents.

Ignoring their actions, I looked at Liam, "I really have to pee, Liam." Not even hesitating, he left the keys in the ignition while the other two stayed. He swiftly stepped out of his seat before closing the door behind him, immediately coming to my side to lead me towards the dormitory entrance.

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