Chapter 8 - I Found You

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Chapter Eight


Alexis' POV


My calculus exam was fairly easy. It was honestly a waste of my time, and I wished I placed higher in math just so I wouldn't be this bored. Honestly, I remember the same lesson plan with my tutor just four years ago. If only the class wasn't based on attendance, then I wouldn't waste a single minute of my time at this stupid university.

I took my dorm keys out of my bag as I walked to my room. Placing the key into the slot, I was surprised to see that it was already unlocked. I hesitated, knowing April should also be in a lecture during this time, but I shrugged as I entered my room.

I wasn't surprised to see Cameron casually laying along my bed with my laptop in front of her and a bag of red licorice splayed all over my covers.

"Why am I not surprised?" I sighed as I set my bookbag down in front of my dresser.

"Your window is faulty," she mumbled out half-heartedly as her fingers tapped along my keyboard and as a red piece of licorice steadied itself between her lips. I looked over to the window in question, and sighed, realizing that the latch to the window was pried open.

"Faulty as in it was already broken, or you made it faulty?" I watched her chew on her candy while I placed my bookbag at my desk.

She shrugged, "Perhaps both," her eyes glanced over at me as she moved her laptop a little out of my way. I sighed once I realized what she was doing and leaned over my bed. I looked at the screen, and sure enough, it was open to my Facebook page.

"Are you seriously trying to find them again?" I put my finger on my mousepad so I could scroll down the search bar and look for her recent inquiries. Following this, she swatted my hand away with an uneaten piece of licorice.

Looking like she was a deer caught in the headlights, "No, you know how that ends up each time," she hesitated, "I'm looking for that girl from the other night."

I gave her a blank stare, primarily because I didn't know who the hell she was talking about. For a moment, she just ignored my look before I understood what she was doing. My mind flashed back to the poor two girls she was flirting with, specifically the one that told Cameron to go suck a dick.

"The girl that was into you, or wanted you to jump off a cliff?" I paused, hesitating on the topic I brought up before, "But really, nothing this time? "

Cameron shook her head, "Obviously, I'm looking for the fiesty one. She was...interesting," she paused, "I thought you had no intention of finding where Samantha was?"

I felt a small tug in the pit of my stomach, but then I shook it away. It was true, I had no intention of finding her because if I did, I felt like I would have way too much to say. There was still a large part inside me that wanted her to come back, and to have myself forgive her so easily. However, there was still an even larger part that was extremely angry with her. Those two years ago, we had our first ever kiss, and she even agreed to go on a date with me. Unfortunately, after that party, I never heard or saw from her again.

Once she left, Jason went into a bit of a frantic state. He went through a phase where he just drank the whole morning, midday, and night away. Then, all of a sudden he stopped drinking and almost doubled his hours at work. The other night when we drank was the first time in a while when I saw him drunk.

Yet, the thing about Jason was that we all knew that he knew the truth. Except the only tidbit of information he ever gave to us was that another family member took her away. I mean sure, that was pretty important information and led us all to believe that her Uncle Joshua took her away during his stay, but it still did not explain why Samantha would voluntarily leave without any warning or notice.

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