Chapter Five - Meet Again

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note: the song in this chapter was literally the reason why it took me so long to update, it might be crappy but songs are hard to write man.

enjoy the double update (:


Sam's POV


"I need three shots of Belvedere. I don't need the flavored shit, give me the unfiltered bottle with a Guinness to chase with, and," Savannah paused to look over at me, "and a thing of orange juice for this baby." As if to reinforce her statement, Sav leaned over to pinch my cheek drunkenly as I moved back in embarrassment. I looked away from the bartender, whose eyes were intensely trained on Savannah's chest area rather than questioning the fact if we were of legal age or not.

"Sure thing, love." He said before tearing his eyes away from my friend and turning around to do his job. Leaning against the wooden bar, Savannah looked over at me with a flash of worry in her eyes.

"Sorry, I forgot to ask if you were okay to take another shot. Are you feeling okay? Dizzy? Nauseous? Hungry? Hey, I can order us some food too if you'd like-" My lips moved into a smile as I shook my head as an answer.

"I'm fine, Savannah. You don't have to worry about me, I'm not even that drunk." It was true. I've been limiting myself this evening, and while Courtney was trying to pour shot after shot down my throat, Savannah was always there to either 1.) take it for me, or 2. Toss it in the fake trees that dotted the corners of the bar. I knew it was a waste of money, but I didn't think I was mentally prepared to get super wasted.

Plus, every time I took a shot, I really had to pee. How the hell do people drink like this? I'm literally just peeing all this alcohol out, and I'm pretty sure it was a waste of money.

"If you're not okay, just let me know." She smiled then turned towards the bartender who returned with her drinks. She threw him a couple twenties as if it was nothing, then passed me a shot of alcohol and a small glass of orange juice. As if the bartender really wanted to be involved in Savannah's quick "baby" comment, he topped it off with a rainbow bendy straw that I couldn't help but roll my eyes at.

"I'm okay," I smiled back as I lifted my shot glass to the air to clink it against hers, "Isn't the show coming on soon? Where's Courtney?"

Savannah shook her head, resulting in her blonde locks to sway against her shoulders. "I'm not sure. She might be backstage with her girl?" My heart twinged at the mention of the girl Courtney was currently talking to. I suppose my mind slipped at the fact that we were only here because of their little meetup.

We brought the glasses to our lips, and I watched Savannah quickly take hers without hesitation. While I was halfway through mine, she brought the other shot that I thought was for Courtney to her lips, and my eyes widened as she gracefully took it followed by chasing it down with her dark beer. I tried not to gag as I focused on taking my shot, instantly washing it away by sucking on the bendy straw and waiting for the orange juice to get rid of the burning sensation of vodka in my mouth.

Setting the glasses back on the counter, I looked over at the stage to see part of the band setting up. The room was filling up quickly with drunk strangers dancing and mingling around the crowds. As if on cue, I felt my bladder tug in my gut in irritation, making it at least the third time tonight I had to freaking pee.

Tightening my legs together, Savannah giggled to herself as she realized my predicament. "Do you want me to bring you to the bathroom again?" I sighed and looked over to the bathroom that was right by the entrance of the bar. Gladly, there wasn't a line this time, so I shook my head.

"It's okay, I'll just go. I'll just be quick."

She bit the inside of her cheek as she stared at me, "Are you sure? I can go with you-"

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