Chapter Nine - Connecting Problems

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Chapter Nine


Cameron's POV


Usually, I was the irrational one.

Yet, after a few deep breaths and a moment of silence to myself with closed eyes, I was able to calm myself down. Nowadays, when I felt a mood swing or a rush of anger come along, I just had to confine myself and just think rationally. I couldn't afford to do stupid things that could ultimately affect other people's' lives.

Unfortunately, Alexis was not being rational today.

After I found the picture of Samantha, I was definitely in a shock. I didn't know what to feel, but after a few moments to myself, I felt sad that she felt the need to run off without giving any of us any warning. I mean, I could get not giving me a warning, considering I was a fucking awful piece of shit that probably caused everything to go wrong in her life. But Alexis? I thought the two were best friends, and when Alexis was able to score a date with Samantha, I thought everything was going to be alright.

But then she left. However, it was definitely for the better.

I went to rehab with the help of Jordan, except she even left after she graduated. Jason and Isabelle stopped partying as much and dedicated most of their time to their full-time jobs. Alex decided to break up with Isabelle, even though I wasn't sure why it was so sudden, but now Alex was currently traveling the world alone. Alexis went to college, and she's excelling in all of her classes, while I trailed along until I found enough stability to go to a university myself.

Of course, the idea of Samantha stayed in all of our minds. Honestly, Samantha seemed like a distant imprint upon all of us. She was an absolute innocent, sweet soul that didn't deserve any of us fucking with her life, especially after her parents left. Yet, her abrupt departure definitely left a few questions and regrets in our head.

Now, we were currently going ninety-five miles per hour in Alexis' rich ass car. Usually, I was the speedy and dangerous driver, but I was actually holding on the door handles for dear life as she whipped through curbs and turns along the highway.

When Alexis saw the picture, I was not expecting her to go completely berserk. After she dropped her own laptop, she basically clawed me out from her bed, grabbed her purse, and her keys before storming both of us out of her dormitory. She almost didn't lock her door until I had to remind her, in which it resulted in her jamming her keys into the socket and nearly ripping the door off its hinges.

Honestly, Alexis hasn't even said a string of coherent words. Ever since she saw the picture, she's just been muttering to herself while chewing on the inside of her teeth. I couldn't even tell if she was angry or on the brink of insanity.

Or both.

Her hands were white as they gripped her leather steering wheel. I could hear the screeching of the tires as they hit skidded along with the asphalt, and for some reason, the country music station was blasting in the background - which definitely didn't fit the atmosphere of the situation. I could tell she was grinding her teeth together, her pink lips pressing harshly against each other in comparison to the red blush of emotion that was creeping up her neck. Alexis' brown eyes looked almost black, and they seemed to look bigger due to her hair being pulled back by a ponytail.

I didn't dare say a word. I already knew that she was probably storming off to Clement Private High School to give Samantha a piece of her mind. I would try to stop her, but I didn't dare try to say anything especially since she was at the wheel. Plus, if she kicked me out on the middle of the highway, I'm pretty sure I would be lost for days considering I had no fucking clue where I was at the moment.

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