The bar

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(12/23/2018) Hi, I just want to say this is my first creepypasta lemon so I'm sorry if it's not good. I hope you like it. - Author

Authors note (11/2/2020) : Hello! I wrote this first chapter in 2018, and let me tell you one thing...
It's not good. 😅
The first few chapters are wack because they were 2018/19 and I was a beginner (still am).. (So if you want you can skip a few chapters to get to the "good parts".) Thanks for taking the time to read this trash. 😂❤


It was Monday the day everyone was fucking lazy Ben was laying in his bed playing video games as always, Toby of course watching TV with the other proxies, and Jeff he was playing video games with ben.
Everytime I saw Jeff I couldn't say words correctly... probably because I liked him but I don't think he likes me back...
I get out of my room walking towards the kitchen when I hear Toby yell at the TV..
"Toby calm down"
"Can you shut the hell up"
"Toby I swear shut the hell up or I'll shoot you in the head"
"Toby stop or I'm taking your waffles away"
Toby gasps "Ok calm down you don't have to cross the line geez."
I look at them annoyed and grab a kidney from a jar eating it, I close the jar lid and wipe the blood off of my face
I go and sit down on the chair that was next to the table. I see Jeff come to in to the kitchen... he didn't have a shirt on..he looked for something to eat in the fridge
I realized I didn't have my mask on I left it in my room.. Oh god... I hope I wasn't blushing..
I grabbed a random book and pretended I was reading
Jeff sits down next to me eating cereal
Oh god oh god oh god I hope he doesn't start a conversation, last time I said something really stupid I don't wanna mess up again..

-Jeff's POV-
Wow. I'm just trying to have a normal conversation with Jack but everytime I get near him he tries to avoid me. *Sighs* "Jack, why the hell are you avoiding me?"
He puts down his book and looks at me
"I-im not avoiding you.."
"Well it sure does look like it." I shrug
"It's fine."
Since we haven't hanged out much I asked him if he wanted to have a drink with me,Ben, and Toby, he agreed.

|1 hour later|

|EJ's POV|

Everyone got in my car, we drove to the nearest bar and parked. While walking inside ben found 20 dollars on the ground he picked it up and put it in his pocket. I would've done the same if I were him.
We all sit down in a table Jeff orders vodka, ben and toby order tequila, and me pffft I just get a glass of water.
The bartender comes up to us and gives us our drinks, he then walks away. Jeff looks at me stunned while I'm drinking the water.
"You got water? Why didn't you get anything else?"
"I don't know I just decided to get water I guess" I say as I take another sip of my drink.
"Have you ever gotten drunk?"
I look at him embarrassed
Jeff passes me his drink. "At least try some"
"O-ok" I take a sip of the vodka and give him back his drink.
"So?... How was it?"
"Disgusting to be honest"
Jeff laughs I start to blush his laugh is so adorable Ugh! Why does he have to be so god damn cute...Jeff notices that I was blushing shit shit shit.......
"You ok EJ?"
I look at my drink for a while not answering Jeff's question. Jeff waves his hand in front of my face.
"Hellooooo????? You there?"
"Huh?" I look at him "S-sorry.. I was just thinking..What were you saying?"
"I said if your ok"
"Y-yeah I'm fine"
We look over at Toby and Ben, of course.. they're already drunk. All you can hear is their laughter and stupid jokes.
I get off the chair I'm sitting at and go to the bathroom I lock myself in one of the stalls. I feel like Jeff is gonna find out I like him and he'll probably hate me! Ugh! I think of an excuse to leave the bar when I hear someone enter the bathroom.
"Jack? You here?"
I don't answer. I knew that was Jeff I remember his voice oh god...
"Um jack if your um in here just wanna let you know Ben and Toby are making a mess out there" "Oh and I hope your ok I'ma go now" he leaves and I hear the door shut
Thank goodness he left and I can tell I was blushing madly he actually cares, also ughhhhhhhhhhh fucking Toby and Ben now I have to go out there.
I leave the stalls and was about to head out of the bathroom when I hear Ben,Toby and other people yelling...
"Guys get the hell down from the tables!!!!! Your gonna get us kicked out!!!!!"
All of the sudden you hear gunshots
Holy shit I get out of the bathroom when I see Slenderman and the other proxies oh shit were in trouble now..
"BEN,TOBY,JEFF, JACK COME HERE NOW!" "Shit" Toby goes to Slenderman while Ben and Jeff are running away I stand there completely frozen. Slender then grabs Jeff and Ben he stares at me and grabs me he drags us all back to the mansion and when I say drag I meant it. "AHHH STOP FUCKING DRAGGING US YOU PALE ASS BITCH" "SHUT THE FUCK UP JEFF" "CAN YOU TWO STOP YELLING!!"
Everyone heads to their room except for me. I stand in the doorway completely frozen. I can't move I can't speak I can't do anything. What the hell is going on!
"Jack to your room now."
I try looking at slender but I just won't budge! The hell is wrong with me! "JACK ROOM NOW."
I try to move and speak but it doesn't work shit I'm gonna die slenders gonna kill me shit shit shit slender grabs me by the neck "I DONT HAVE TIME FOR YOU AND EVERYONE ELSES BULLSHIT" I bite his hand ripping his suit and making him bleed he tightens his grip on my neck I start to gasping for air I kick him finally I can move he stabs me with one of his tentacles "Sorry Jack" he stabs me 5 times,the pain is unbearable I pass out .. the next thing I know I'm in a room my vision is blurry I try to form the objects that are in the room, my vision comes back to me I'm in a hospital room the mansion has. Oh god my body hurts like hell.
I see slender walk in "Oh your awake so how are you feeling?"
"I-im doing fine" I say grabbing my chest in pain "Ugh"
"Sorry about that"
"I-its fine don't worry about it"
"Well I'm gonna go do some work with the proxies I'll check on you later"
"Alright see ya" he leaves the room and I see Jane and Jeff walk in
"You idiot" Jane says flicking my forehead with her finger
"Don't underestimate slender you moron"
"I didn't"
"Then what the hell happened"
"I couldn't move nor talk"
"Well I'll leave Jeff here with you" she says hitting the back of Jeff's head
"Ow the fuck"
I blush I try to hide it from Jeff but he sees me. He sits down on a chair that's next to the bed
"So um you ok?"
"Y-yeah I'm fine don't worry about me"
"Ben and toby got in trouble" he says laughing. I laugh a bit "Let me guess for being drunk inside the house?"
"Yep" Jeff says still laughing
I laugh more "Wow they're idiots"
"Well I'm gonna go, you get some rest" He places something on a table beside me then leaves the room. I look at the object. It's a note I grab it opening the envelope and reading it
       "Hey jack hope your doing fine these dumbasses aka Ben and toby got in trouble big time you should've seen them!" "Oh yeah um I was wondering if you would like to hang out more?.. like go to the bar I guess just the two of us?" "Well either way see ya" -Jeff

I close the letter blushing oh my goodness was Jeff asking ME on date or just as friends oh god oh god oh god at least we get some alone time? Oh well I just need to rest I put the letter back in the envelope and put it in my pocket.

~To be continued~
{Hey guys, thanks for reading the first page of this lemon fanfiction I hope you like it and yes I will be making more of these I hope :,) well I hope you enjoyed I'm gonna go now see ya on the next page byeeee xD}

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