Another day.

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(This is going to be in Jeff's POV because it can. You'll see why.)
Jeff's POV-

Yesterday. Was. Unexplainable. Well. You know what. Sally's still here. I just need to move on. I guess. I place the key chain in my cabinet. I stare at the ground. Wtf. Jack? Why the fuck is he here. I kick him in the back. "Jack wtf are you doing in my room."
He groans and stretches. He stares at me. "I think. You told me to stay after you read the letter." My eyes widened.
"OH MY FUCKING GOD DON'T TELL ME WE FUCKED LAST NIGHT." I yell at him. He blushes madly. "We didn't! I swear!.."
I let out a shaky breath. "Okay."
He stares at the ground.  I reluctantly sit down next to him. And wrap my arm around his shoulder. Okay. Uh. What the hell do friends do. Blech. Fr-ien-ds. He stares at me confused. I laugh. "W-what?" He says. "Nothing. The face you made made me laugh." I tell him.

He smiles. I remove my hand quickly. I stand up and leave the room. I swear I couldn't be in that room any longer. EJ was making me hella nervous.
I pass by Jane.
"Jeff...." She says walking towards me.
I keep walking. Heading towards the kitchen.
"Jeff. Are you okay?"
I turn around and stare at her.
"Leave. Me. The. Fuck. Alone. You. Fucking. Fuck." I spit on her face. Flipping her off. I lay against the marble table that's next to the sink in the kitchen. I grab a knife from a cabinet swinging it around in my hand. Ana spots me and runs up to me.
"Jeff!... Wanna go shopping? To the movies? To the park!!! It'll take your mind of it. I promise." She says.
I shrug. At this point I don't care. As long as I'm away from the house. "Let me guess. Jack's coming." I say mockingly. She pouts. "No.... Do you want him to?" She says smirking.
"Whatever." I walk out the house. Heading towards the woods. She takes my hand. And drags me to the deeper part of the forest. Why the hell do I let these people control me. We find a spot to sit at. I sit down on the ground looking up at the trees. Ana stares at me. "Do you need something?" I say Still staring up at the sky.

"Yeah. Are you okay?" She says sitting down next to me.
"Why the fuck do you care." I say.

"Because. Why wouldn't I? Look. I know how you feel right now."
I cut her off from saying anything else.

I laugh. "You think. You know how I feel?" No. No. Don't. DON'T START WITH THAT BULLSHIT."
I yell at her.
I grab the knife from my pocket pointing it at her. "Leave."
She looks at the ground. Tears welling up in her eyes.
She runs back towards the mansion crying.
I laugh insanely. "Stupid bitch."
I stare at the knife. As if noticing my own reflection for the first time. I place the knife beside me as I run my hands trough my hair.
I grab the knife, making small cuts on my wrists, each wound getting worse.
I sigh with relief. I keep doing that until the I can't see my wrist due to the massive amount of blood covering each inch of my arm.
I do the same with my other arm.
I hate everything. More than ever.
The blood drips down to the ground. Marking the leaves with red stains.
I smile with satisfaction. I hear rustling coming not far from here. "Jeff?"
Of course it had to be him.
"Let me guess Ana sent you?" I say annoyed.

"Yeah.... Sorry. She wanted me to check on you."
Fucking EJ and Ana. Need to mind their own damn business.

He sits down next to me. Taking the knife away.
"Give me the fucking knife back you bitch." I say reaching for the blade.

He stares at my arms, and sighs.
He takes off his jacket. Wiping off the blood from my arms.

I shove him away while
covering up my arms with my sleeves. "Jeff. You need to seriously cheer up a bit."

"I don't do happiness. Never did. Never will."

I stare at the ground. I feel nothing. It's horrible, I can't feel pain, it's as if I was cut out from emotions, why?. But maybe?.....

Out Of Control (Jeff The Killer × EJ)Where stories live. Discover now