'The hotel'

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Wow. Your still here. Your weird. - (Author).


(Off the plane)

//Jack's POV//

Well.. That just happened. The fucking pilot ruined it. Just when we were about to ki-.

"Jack. Jack. JACK!"

"Huh?" I look at Jeff. Surprisingly he's still talking to me.

"What's the hotel's address? I hate being around these old sack of shits."

"Oh!" I search around in my pockets, only to find nothing.

I continue to search in my bag. Luckily I find it.

"Here it is." I say triumphantly.

Jeff just stands there confused as fuck.

"Oh right. Let's go.."

(Outside of the hotel)

"How the hell does Jane afford these places." I say while admiring the fountain in front of the entrance.

Jeff laughs.

"I bet that son of a bitch flirts her way through life and gets money." He says while getting two Sharpie's out of his backpack.

"That doesn't sound like Jane, but more like.... Ben." I chuckle.

Jeff looks at me and then at the fountain.

He hands me a sharpie.
As I take it, our hands brush against each other.

"Follow me."

As I follow him. He leads me towards the fountain. He takes off the cap on the sharpie, and writes. "Fuck all of you!"

I laugh at the sentence.
I write down. "That's what she said."

Jeff bursts out into laughter as he punches me playfully in the arm.

I turn red. I look away hoping he won't notice. But, he notices either way.

"Come on. Let's go." He says lightly tapping my shoulder.

We both head inside the hotel. Once we get our key we head towards the elevators. When we step inside you can smell something horrible.

"Holy shit! It smells like someone died in here." Jeff says covering his nose.

I sniff the air, until I can find where it's coming from.

I look up and see the body. Taped up to the ceiling.

I manage to get the body down. It hits the ground with a thud.

Jeff closes the elevator doors.

"What floor do I click?" Jeff says looking at all the buttons on the wall.

Out Of Control (Jeff The Killer × EJ)Where stories live. Discover now