A date??..

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Jello! I'm back xD ok sorry alright I'ma go now enjoy this page! - Author

|EJ's POV|
I get out of bed and put new clothes on. I go to the kitchen and see Sally and Ben playing video games in the living room. I walk up to them. "Hey guys" Sally looks up at me and smiles "Hi Jack!" Ben makes a face at me "Hi moron" Sally hits the back of Ben's head lightly "Don't be mean!" "Yeah Ben don't be mean" I say laughing "Ugh" Ben says annoyed.
"Wanna play with us Jack?" "Sure"
Sally hands me a controller and we start playing the game.
Toby sees us and from the look in his eyes you can tell he's either looking at Ben or the game. Toby comes running up to us. "Hey guys!!" "Hi Toby!" Sally says giggling "Hi" I say not looking at Toby and focusing on the game "Hiya Toby" Ben says. Toby sits down next to Ben.
"Guys should we go eat at a restaurant?" I say hungry as fuck
Sally's and Toby's eyes sparkle as they're looking at me. "YES!" they both say at the same time.
"Alright I'll go ask everyone else if they wanna come"
Sally runs to her room fast as hell so does Toby wow they're both childish..
I go to Jane's door and knock "Jane?"
She opens the door and looks at me confused "Let me guess you got rejected by Jeff" she says making a face at me. "What! No! I hope not..."
She laughs "I'm just playing with ya, what's up"
"Everyone wants to go to a restaurant do you wanna come?" "Sure let me just go put some exquisite clothes on" she says. I laugh and say "Alright I'll be waiting in the living room mademoiselle" she laughs and closes the door.
I then head towards Jeff's room and once I get there I stop not knowing if I should knock or just leave. Screw it. I knock on the door slowly.. he opens the door and looks at me. "What?"
"Um... Would you like to go to the restaurant with me and everyone else?.."
"Sure" he says happily..
Wait did he just say that happily?! What the hell?!
I go ask the other proxies and slender they don't want to go but it's fine at least the car won't be crowded. I ask lazari she says she can't go either she has a play date with masky. "Haha poor masky!" Ben says
We all get in the car and drive to a restaurant.

|30 minutes later..|
(This is a creepypasta restaurant)

We arrive at the restaurant.

A waitress comes up to us and we realize it's clockwork. "Hey guys!" She says smiling. "Welcome to the creepypasta restaurant! So who's sitting with who?"
Toby looks at Ben "I'm with Ben!" Says Toby "Im with Toby" Ben says smirking.
Jane looks at me and then Jeff she smirks "I'm with Sally!!" Sally giggles "I'm with Jane!" She says still giggling
Clockwork stares at me and Jeff "Then you two are together, and by the way you two make such a cute couple" she says smiling I blush madly did she seriously just say that?! I look at Jeff no way. He's blushing!!

|Jeff's POV|
"F-fuck off" clockwork flicks my head "Haha your blushing like an idiot".
"J-just show us were we fucking sit" I say trying not to blush more than I already am... Do me and Jack make a cute couple?.. What am I saying. I like Jack as a friend... I think..

|EJ's POV|
Clockwork shows everyone where they sit except for me and Jeff Jane whispers something into clockworks ear, clockwork laughs "Alright follow me you two" Oh shit what did she do now.
Clockwork leads us to a table where there's roses and romantic shit "Enjoy you two love birds" she says laughing then she leaves. ...... I immediately look at Jeff and say...
"I-im so so sorry Jeff! I swear I d-didn't plan t-this!" I say trying to form the words together.
Jeff looks at me "It's fine don't worry calm down"

|Jeff's POV|
I pick up a rose petal and start ripping it apart. Even if Jack didn't do this I kind of like it. I soon realize this is a VIP area holy shit! I look at the menu "Holy shit! This stuff is expensive as fuck!" I say out loud
I hear Jack laugh "No shit Sherlock" he says. I laugh. "We'll just put the bill on Jane" Jack says laughing way to much
I laugh "Great idea!"
We both look at each other then blush
Jack's cute to be honest... We both order something from the menu and leave. Jane did pay our meals after we all went home we all watched movies I saw Jane stand up with an envelope in her hand but I didn't care so I kept watching the movie.

|Jane's POV|
I get off the couch and head towards Jack's room. I open the door slowly so that no one can hear me. I then close it but not completely. I place an envelope on his pillow. And go back to sit on the couch. I then whisper something to Jack's ear.

|EJ's POV|
"Um ok" I say whispering. I try to stand up but Ben won't move "Uh Ben can you move?" "No" he says annoyed I kick him and head towards my room I look back and see that Ben is pissed as hell I laugh. I open my room door and enter the room. I close the door behind me and see an envelope in my pillow. I open it up to see a note and two tickets. I read the note.
Dear Jack,
Remember when you told me you loved Jeff. Well I'm writing this to tell you that your going to ask Jeff to go on a vacation with you! Yes that's how good of a friend I am. Well there's your two plane tickets to go to LV. Get me a present from there please I did waste a lot of money on those tickets for you. Well have fun.. if you know what I mean. Good luck ;).
Your friend, Jane

..Wow this is going to be a terrifying experience... Or a good one who knows now I gotta ask Jeff but first.
I go to the living room and hug Jane tightly I whisper into her ear and say "Thank you so much" she smiles and she whispers back saying "No problem moron".
After the movie is done I go to Jeff's room and knock on the door he opens the door I tell him "Um Jeff w-would you l-like to go to LV w-with me?.."

|Jeff's POV|
Wait did he say LV? I've always wanted to go there and going with Jack I'm starting to like him so sure why not. "Sure" I say.

|EJ's POV|
I go to my room and start packing.
Oh my god he probably doesn't like me but you know at least I get to spend more time with him.

Out Of Control (Jeff The Killer × EJ)Where stories live. Discover now