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This is a special chapter. It's in Sally's POV. I decided to put it in so you can see how much Jeff means to her. And how she deals with things. -Author.


I sit on the couch in the living room. Staring at my bloody hands.

Jane sits on right side of the couch while Jack sits at the kitchen table. Ana paces around the room back and forth.

Everyone else is on a mission. They don't even know what's going on...

Jane sighs. "It's.... All my fault... He wouldn't be...... 'She stares at me' if it wasn't for me..."

I stop looking at my hands. Facing her.


She gulps. "I-I did this to him.. We were fighting."

I........ How could she?

"JEFF'S DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!" I walk up to her, slapping her. I hit her over and over. But my hits do nothing.

"Sally.. I didn't think he'd die." She stares at me. Grabbing my hands.

I back away. Removing my hands from her grasp.

"Your lying! You always wanted him dead! Your a monster! You killed him!" I break into more tears.

Jack walks up to me. He leads me towards the kitchen.

"I.... I know how much this hurts. I understand.... I'm sorry..." He reassures me.

"No! He was family! He was my brother and friend! You don't understand! You don't understand!" I shake my head.  Covering my face as more tears stream down my face.

Slenderman walks into the living room. His steps slow.

Ana stares up at him. Waiting.

I run towards him.

"Is Jeff alive?!" I stare at him. He glares at Jane.

Slenderman kneels getting down to my size. He puts his hands on my shoulders.

"I-I'm..... Sorry... Sally... Jeff isn't breathing....."

My heart drops. Guilt building up inside of me.

I sit down on the ground. Crying. Again.....

"Jane... A word please." Jane follows Slenderman out of the mansion.

"He can't be dead! He can't! I still have so much to tell him!"

Ana sits down next to me. Hugging me.
Jack goes to his room.

"It's okay.... Sally... Don't worry..." She chokes back her tears trying to sound fine.

"Jeff....... He can't be gone..." I sit still. Not moving. Jeff's gone.... It's all her fault.... Jeff's.. Gone. It's. All. Her. Fault.

I stand up grabbing a knife from the kitchen running outside.

"Sally! What're you doing!" Ana yells as she chases me.

I run towards Jane raising my knife at her. Slenderman takes the knife away tossing it at the ground.

"Sally! Stop! Calm down." Slenderman carries me. Making me face him.

I squirm around eventually giving up.

"Jeff is dead.... Because of her! She should be dead! Not him!" I point at Jane.

"Sally... Calm down! Breath!" Slenderman wipes away my tears.

He puts me on the ground. I run back inside heading to where Jeff is.

I close the door behind me as I walk ino the room. I stare at Jeff's body. Laying still on the ground.

"Jeff... Wake up..." I shake him.

No respond.

"Jeff.. Come on... I don't like this game..."

No respond.

"Jeff..... Please...."

No respond.

I poke his face. I move his hair away from his eyes.

"I'm sorry..... Jeff...... I....." I grab his hand, holding it in mine.

"It's all her fault. You wouldn't be gone." I lean my head towards his hand. Sobbing.

"I'm sorry.... I'm sorry.... I'm sorry...."

My tears fall to the ground. I let go of his hand trying to wipe away my tears only to sob more.

"I miss you.... They don't understand..... You were the only one who did!" I sit down.  Staring at him heart-broken to see him gone.

Slenderman, Jane, Ana, and Jack fill the room. Sitting down in a circle around jeff. They all stare at me. Sorrowful.

Jeff's gone. It's... OUR fault.....



Out Of Control (Jeff The Killer × EJ)Where stories live. Discover now