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..... Uh. Bonjour. Again. It's been a year since I did this story. Yes. It's so bad. I'm trying okay. :')
But, I stopped doing this story because.. I just did. ;-;.... Well here I am. Continuing it. Yeah okay.. Good luck with the cringe. /Author./

(Authors note: So I clearly messed up a lot but here ya go.)

(On the plane)

// EJ's POV//

You and Jeff sit down in your seats. You of course being used to plane rides, due to the trips you've gone with Sally and Lazari, have no problem with this. But since Jeff is sitting next to you...


"T-these are some nice seats.. A-am I right?..." You say laughing awkwardly.

Hoping he doesn't notice the sweat forming at the top of your forehead.

Jane didn't let me bring the mask on the trip due to "How hot the plane ride can be". Yes. Those where her exact fucking words.

Suuuuuure. Jane sure. You said repeating those same words inside your head.

Your snapped back to reality when you hear the pilot talking on the speakers.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your pilot speaking, please fasten your seat belts. Remember the bathrooms are at the end of the hallway to your right. I hope you enjoy your flight."

As soon as the plane lifts off, I try not to look at jeff.

I grip the arm rests on the seat tightly. Trying not think about this flight with him.

(4 hours later..)

As I was watching a movie, I felt something lay on my shoulder. I turned to look at what it was.

Oh boy. I blushed madly, as I saw Jeff sleeping peacefully against me.

I looked around. Trying not to freak out. Does he even know hes sleeping on MY shoulder?! I thought while slightly hyperventilating.

I pinched myself.
"Keep it together Jack!" I said whispering, reassuring myself to calm the hell down.

I tensed up, once I felt that Jeff started to move.
After a few seconds he stopped.

I sighed.

I wanted to push him away from me. But I couldn't.

<Jeff's POV>

I wake up, yawning. I realize I'm laying down on something. But what? I look up to see Jack's face staring back at me. My eyes widen, I straighten up quickly as possible.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to sleep on your shoulder." I say trying to sound calm.

He flinches, and looks away quickly. Clearly disappointed from something.

I reach into my pocket and pull out a hair tie. I tie my hair up into a messy ponytail just like Sally showed me. I look out the window trying to clear my thoughts.

"Excuse me gentlemen, would you like anything to eat or drink?" Said the flight attendant.

I looked at her and scowled. Putting on music on my phone, and earbuds to drown out the conversations of people talking.

As soon as the flight attendant left. Jack handed me something. Food?

I stared at his offering and back at him. Confused.

"Why would he buy me something. He's so stupid." I said questioning his decisions in my head.

I take the food and put it in my bag.

"Thank you.." I reply slightly scowling at him.

"N-no problem."

He really needs to control that stuttering around me. I can barely understand him sometimes.

I look at the time on my phone.

"12 more minutes to go" I say shrugging, clearly disappointed.

Jack looks at me confused.

"You don't like airplanes..?" He says concerned.

I stared at him for a moment, taking of the earbuds while pausing the music. Why is he so worried?

"It's not that I don't like them. It's just fucking boring sitting down in seat waiting for hours. My ass fucking hurts just by being here." I say aggressively.

Jack starts to laugh. I tilt my head to the side. Trying to figure him out.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. But, that's just how plane flights are." He says wiping away his black tears.

I smile at him. Once he notices me doing that. He blushes.

Huh.. Weird.

As his laughter dies down. We both stare at each other for a while. I seemed to be pulled by a magnetic force as I was getting closer to him..

Our faces only one-inch apart.. The temperature changing.. Jack's hand tangled in my hair...

Until the pilot comes back on the speakers.

He removes his hand from me quickly.

"We're about to land. I repeat we're about to land. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you and I hope you enjoyed your flight."

I look away, quickly, blushing 50 different shades of pink.

What the hell just happened....

Out Of Control (Jeff The Killer × EJ)Where stories live. Discover now