|The shopping 'adventure'|

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Yes. I'm so lost right now. Just. Go on. :')


(The next day...)

You wake up. Stretching. You hear people arguing in the kitchen. You stand up and get dressed.

//Jeff's POV//

I walk to the kitchen. Looking for coffee...

"B-but! I want chocolate milk!"Someone says whining.

"I'm sorry Sally.. We don't have any more milk. We ran out since someone drank it all." Slenderman looks at Toby.

"Wait... So.. No... Coffee?" You dramatically pretend to faint, then get up laughing.

Slenderman sighs as he runs a hand through his face.

"Jeff go to the store with Ana."

I shrug loudly.

"Her? She's a fucking slut." You cross your arms, staring directly at him.

"Jeff. I don't give two fucks about your relationship with her. Go. Sally wants milk and cookies." He shoos me away.

"Fine. I'm doing it only for Sally. Fuck you." I walk away, heading towards Ana's room.

I knock on her door.

"Just a second!"

You hear rustling inside. She opens the door.

"Oh, it's you." She rolls her eyes and closes it until I stop it with my foot.

"As much as I hate being with you, Slenderman told us to go to the fucking store."

"Fine. On one condition." She smirks at me.

Ugh. I don't have time for her bullshit.

"What." My voice irritated just from talking to her.

"Just let me change." She closes the door completely.

I bang my head on the door a couple of times. I swear if she says something else. I am going to kill myself. She's like Jane. But worse for some fucking reason.

She gets out of the room.

"Follow me!" Her voice giddy with excitement.

"Uggggghhhhh." I follow her trudging along the way.

She leads me to Slenderman. She pokes his arm.

"Hi! Guy in a suit."

"For the last time. IT'S SLENDERMAN."

"Yeah, whatever." She puts her hands on my shoulders.

I try to shrug her off.

Out Of Control (Jeff The Killer × EJ)Where stories live. Discover now