Chapter 3: Engraved Message

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Kit's POV

Forth was still holding onto me since I am extremely weak physically and emotionally as we walk to the nearby bench in the park. I am still processing what just recently happened. He's alive. Ming's alive. But why am I so stupid and weak when I already have him in my arms but he still manage to get away. Why can't he remember me? Did he get a bad head trauma from the accident he had that caused memory loss? That is also a possibility why he did not recognize me. We've been together for 18 years, from college to family. What did he mean he has wife? Did he get married in the two years we did not see each other? I am so confused. 

What will I tell to my kids? To his parents? To Minerva? To Wayo? That he is alive but he cannot remember me or any of us? Did he forget Wayo as well? Our kids? Or maybe I am the only he didn't remember? And where is he going? Forth said that there are few provinces where the bus stops so we just need to figure out which of those provinces he is staying. It's not a bad plan. At least, we know where we can start in looking for him. I was holding on to my wedding ring and look at the engraved message on it. I was lost in my thoughts when Beam is calling me. I didn't realize that I am already sitting at the bench.

Beam: Kit? Kitty? Hey Kitkat!

Kit: Oh, I'm sorry about that. I didn't hear you there. I was lost in my own thoughts.

Beam: We can see that very clearly.

Forth: How are you holding up?

Kit: Fine, I guess. I am just processing my thoughts and how to deal with all this.

Beam: I know it's a lot to process. But you know we're here for you, ok?

Kit: I know. It's a lot to take all in  at once. Everything happened so fast.

Forth: Don't worry, you're not alone on this one. We saw him, all three of us. They will believe us. 

One of my problem deducted, I still have a hundred to figure out. Since we are neighbors, Beam and Forth dropped me off to my house. The twins are probably waiting for me since I promised them that I will buy their favorite vanilla ice cream to make up for them. It was a good thing that the ice cream did not melt tremendously if it melted and will be placed in a freezer, the texture of the ice cream will not be the same unless we have fruits at home and we can blend it with the ice cream. It is one of Ming's favorite desserts. I am standing at the door and trying to convince myself that I am ok. I am ok. I need to. I just got up myself up from depression. I need to be strong not just for me but Ming and for the twins. Since I know that he is alive, I need to get my strength back. 

I need to get my act all together to bring him back and to get our family complete again. This house is too big for us three. It feels empty without his laughs and his presence. I will get him back, I am sure of that. If he forgot me or our family, I will make him remember. Or if he doesn't remember any of us, we just need to make new memories. I just need to court him or if I need to turn the world upside down, I will. This time it's my turn to make him fall in love with me again. I took a deep breath and exhaled, as I opened the door the twins welcomed me with their embrace. 

Kim: Mom, what took you so long. We got scared. 

Cop: We got scared that we lose you too. Don't ever do that again. **I dropped the groceries and kneeled down to hug them both back.**

Kit: I'm here. I am not leaving you guys. I love you both, you know that, right?

Kim and Cop: Uh-huh. We love you too so much.

Kit: Why won't you guys help me with these groceries so we can watch your favorite movie and have your favorite vanilla ice cream. Sounds good?

Kim and Cop: Yey!  

The twins helped me to organize the groceries as I am battling myself not to tell the twins yet until I am sure since I do not want to break their hearts for the second time around. I cannot bear another one for me and for the twins. I will focus on them for this week and face the battle for another day. I am not giving up on Mingkwan. I need to recover very fast and gain enough strength for I cannot stay focus on anything today for I haven't eating or sleeping properly because of the depression. Wait for me MMs. I will come and get you back. No matter what it takes. I promise.


Monel's POV

I need to get to the park and it might trigger some of the memories that I have lost just like last time. But where will I stay? The city is familiar but I cannot remember any of these places. Let me check the smart phone given to me by the friend of my liar wife. I can't believe that she lied to me the entire time. If she really loves me, she could have been honest from the very beginning. Was she that desperate? All her lies are coming into pieces, the edited wedding photos or messed up make believe stories on how we met or why she got scared of going to the hospital located in the city. Was she scared that people will find out that I have been kept captive by her? Well, technically yes since she lied to me so I can stay at her side. But how dare she use me losing my memories to get close to me and to the point she said that I was married with her without a wedding ring on her left hand and I am the only one had it. 

Right, my wedding ring. That's why she didn't answer me the meaning of the engraved message inside the ring since she really doesn't know "Io e te per sempre". What does it really mean? Am I really married to that cute little guy I met in the park? Besides, who is Mingkwan Dechapanya? Who am I really? Is it really a good idea for me to go there again? I don't know anyone in the city, thanks to the memories I lost. I am not really sure where I am going to stay. But my gut is telling me to go to the park and it might help me trigger some memories. Are those really my kids? Is he really the cute little guy I am holding hands with? He said his name is Kit. He even called himself Kitkat. Kitkat... Why is the nick name so familiar aside from it is my favorite chocolate?

I was looking at the window of the bus when I keep on mouthing the engraved message on the ring then a flash of memory popped into my head. The memory I think is when I am still college:

The memory ended asking someone named Wayo if it is ok to fall in love with Kitkat who is little and grumpy. It was the moment that I realize or accepted that I have a feeling towards the cute little guy. I can't still accept that I will fell in love to a guy. Why can't I remember if he is really too damn important to me? But when I saw him and held me in the park, my heart skip a beat. His touch when he held me so desperately is so familiar and warm. I got that feeling that he is someone very precious to me. Who is Wayo? Is he my bestfriend? Dammit! Why can I not remember even him? Then I didn't realize that I keep on repeating saying the engraved message on my ring when another commuter sitting in front of me heard me. 

Monel: Io e te per sempre.Io e te per sempre.Io e te per sempre.Io e te per sempre.Io e te per sempre.Io e te per sempre.Io e te per sempre.Io e te per sempre.

Commuter: Io e te per sempre. It's an Italian for "It's forever you and me." It was a nice message. Is that your wedding ring?

Monel: Yes.

Commuter: That means your wife must really love you.

Monel: I guess so.

Monel: Io e te per sempre. Forever you and me....

I stared at the window trying to collect my thoughts about the memories that I retrieved, the encounter with Kitkat, the lies of Joan, the wedding ring and the engraved message. There is only one way to verify everything. I need to find him. I need to find Kitkat


OMG!!! Nyahaha, finally Monel able to remember some of the memories but not all. It's a start right. I am so excited to write the next chapter. I hope it goes well for Monel. I hope you like this chapter.

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