Chapter 15: Unexpected Guest

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Author's POV

When Monel's parents found out that their supposed dead son 'Ming' is alive, they were not able to visit or went back to Thailand as soon as possible for their 3 months cruise just started on the first stop with Kit's parents for they are business partners. Wayo and Forth convinced them that he will be in good hands and reassured them that their son will still be here upon their return. Kit's parents were also worried especially her mom since she left them to be in the cruise because his son forced him to go and promised that he  will be just fine. Phana and Beam promised them that they will personally take good care of their son. Since they trusted Wayo and his friends, they decided to continue the cruise. 

Wayo personally called his sister using the designated emergency phone she gave him back then to inform her about Ming. Minerva dropped everything and went straight to the hospital. She asked her secretary to cancel all her appointments for the day and reschedule it. Her secretary was hesitant at first but she told her secretary that she should also send complimentary wines to the clients they are scheduled to meet today and give them all the most expensive wine she can find. 

Minerva: Ming!

Minerva called his brother's name and Monel was startled when she hugged him. Suddenly, memories popped out in his head like a fast flashbacks. He started to remember how his sister helped her to get through with his awful break up with his ex-girlfriend Moowan and how she made her life bearable when their parents changed. He hugged her back and started crying.

Monel: Why did I forget you? How awful I am to forget the most important people in my life? First Kittinan, my twins, my best friend Wayo, and now you? Why did I forget about my badass sister?

Minerva: It's ok! It's not your fault! What should I call you for now? Ming or....

Monel: Call me Monel for now. I feel that I don't deserve that name until I retrieved all my memories. 

Minerva: Non-sense! You never change. You still blame yourself for things that are out of your hands. 

Monel: I know that's why you're there to clean up my mess, but please. Humor me with my request. Call me Monel for now until I feel that I deserve to be called Ming, you're most handsome brother.

Minerva: Anything for my 'only' brother. 

They both laughed. Kit was still sleeping due to the effect of the medicine provided by his personal doctors/friends, Phana and Beam, for he still needs enough rest for to recover for he was emotionally, physically and mentally drained. They both sat next to Kit's bed as they wait for the twins who are currently with their uncle Wayo and uncle Forth. 

Minerva: Where are my favorite twins? 

Monel: They're with Wayo and Forth. They went out to get some clothes and buy food. We'll be staying in the hospital for now until Kittinan recovers. Doctors' advise.

Minerva: How's Kit? You remembered him, right?

Monel: He's fine since his personal doctors are his best friends. And yes, I did remember him but I haven't retrieved all my memories.

Minerva: How much do you remember?

Monel: Enough to know that I am deeply and undeniably in love with him. 

Minerva: Good. He didn't give up, you know. He still believes that you are still alive and he didn't stop looking for you. 

Monel: Yeah, I am the luckiest guy to have him in my life. I really am. 

Minerva: You know that I tried to look for you and used all our resources to find you. You know that, right?

Monel: I know, and you are incredibly busy with all the responsibilities our parents and I left you, I understand and thanks.

Minerva: For what?

Monel: Thanks for taking care of my family while I'm gone. Wayo told me that you paid for their expenses and visited them time to time to check on them.

Minerva: That's all I can do for them and for you. 

Monel: But still, thank you.

Minerva: Anything for you, little brother.

They hugged each other when the twins got back with their uncles. They saw their aunt Minerva and run towards her and hugged her.

Kim and Cop: Aunt Minerva! We miss you! Thanks for taking good care of us while daddy is away. 

Minerva: Anything for you both, my favorite nephews.

Kit woke up and saw the commotion. He was smiling at them. He is happy that they are complete again. He cannot explain how happy he was to have his family complete and having Ming or Monel back in their lives, in his own life. He will not let anyone ruin the happiness that they have right now. Then suddenly, he felt something or someone watching them afar that gave him the chills in his entire body. Monel saw Kittinan woke up with worried look on his face.

Monel: Kitkat, are you ok?

Kit: I felt....

Monel: What is it?

Kit: It's nothing.

Kit decided not to tell Monel about it and thought to himself that maybe it is just one of his imaginations or he is just being paranoid. But little did he know that he should have trusted his instincts.



??????: You should have stayed dead Mingkwan Dechapanya. I could have Kittinan and your kids as my own if Joan played her part correctly. She is so stupid, stupid to think  that you will never leave her. I should have killed him when I got the chance. I should have made sure that you stayed dead at the accident and they found your dead body on the road. I should have not trusted that lunatic woman.

??????: Don't worry my Kittinan. I will save you from despair. I will never leave you like your beloved Ming. I will love you and our kids. Wait for me my Kittinan. I will have you and eliminate Ming for good. I will be the only one who will love you.

??????: I will make you mine, my beloved Kittinan

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??????: I will make you mine, my beloved Kittinan.


Yehey! I was able to manage to write another chapter before getting myself busy for the next few weeks. I hope you like this chapter. So I decided to proceed in adding more chapters on this book before writing a new one. I hope you like this chapter! I will try my best to write weekly or twice a month.. Hahahaha, thanks for your patience and support as always.

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