Is this really it?

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note: Thanks for reading, hope y'all are enjoying it! This ones kinda short:/ so tell what you think and i'll keep going:) encoragment is always good:)and if you know any good storries out there tell me cause i'd like to know whats good;D

xoxox Shannon

Part 3

NIALL POV*** (after his addution)

 Wow.... I actually made it. I did'nt get the feedback I was hoping for, but they think I have talent and that is good enough for me. Thanks to Katy Perry I have a shot at living my dream.

My mum wrapped me in a hug and told me how proud she was. This was greast, the only thing that could possibly make it better would be if.. if Leah was here...

I thought back to last night.. the kiss.. everything. I think I really like this girl, I may have just blown it. was she mad I left? sad? ... or even happy?.. I sure hope not

Me and a few of my mates desided to go to a pub to celebrate. I promised myself I would call her when I got home... little did i know I'd come home piss drunk and missing a shoe.

Leah's POV****

I guess I understand.. he's probably out celebrating. I was'nt going to get clingy.. espeacially with the position I am in.

Wow this is a real mess.. my best friend kissed me yesterday and I have'nt heard from him since.. was I that bad of a kisser?... Wait he kissed me? Why do I feel so weird about this? I am simply a victim in this senario..


The next day I desided to send him a quick text.. I think he might just be busy..

Hey Niall, how'd you do? Can't wait to hear all about it. Want to me at Nandos' round 5?

He took a while to reply...

Yeah sounds great! see you then:) xx

I smiled to myself.. I could'nt wait to see him and see how he did! Most of all i needed to ask him about that kiss... I went to my room to go get ready.

I know it is'nt a date but I still stressed on what to wear.. I never cared what i wore infront of him until now. I'm sure you can agree this time it was different..

I settled on a blue blouse and white shorts. I wore my hair natural which was pretty wavy. I went light on the makeup, just a little mascara, eye liner and some chapstick.. hey I needed to be prepared if there was going to be a second kiss... I grined to myself as remembered our first..

It was almost 5 so I desided to start heading out.

I waited at Nandos' for about 2 minutes. No biggy he's always late.

5 more minutes went by... still no Niall

15 minuties.. no Niall

30.... No Niall

I realized I've been sitting there for over a hour and a half now...

I felt my stomach knot up as i held back my tears..... tears of hopeless and rejection....

I do'nt know why I started liking him in the first place. I was really stupid to fall for him...I thought he liked me...

I got up and left finally. I left 5 pounds on the table and stormed out of there. I've never been more humiliated in my life...

My OLD Friend Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now